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Posts posted by Dagger

  1. Notice the little flecks of hair at the front of my hairline - that's what throws me off about that diagnosis. Although I notice my hair looks kind of similar on the sides too which is what the hair specialist pointed out. When my hair's thicker, it looks normal but I usually have to get some of the little flecks of hair at the edge of my hairline cleaned out. They grow back the same every single time they're cut.

  2. My hair's been like this 2 years, and it was diagnosed as alopecia areata because I have similar weak patches of hair in areas that aren't typical of mpb. I went to another hair specialist and he didn't see anything suggesting mpb. The pattern hasn't changed or spread since I first noticed it, but it still looks suspect to me and I haven't seen a picture of alopecia areata that looks like what I have - most of the them have straight-up bald patches. Do you think I should get another opinion on this?









  3. I've noticed that my crown is somewhat thinner than the rest of my hair, but I feel like I can remember it being this way somewhat for a while:




    My family also doesn't have much of a history of MPB, a few men on my dad's side get indents in their 40s, but that's the extend of it. Does it look like MPB?

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