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Posts posted by whoknows01

  1. yikes...."face down" is sort of a trigger for my panic/anxiety,

    but I could probably make it work with Xanax...thanks for the response.


    btw---great looking result!


    Thanks it feels good not to hide under a hat anymore. I think the extractions took longer because of the previous neograft fue I had done 2 years earlier, anyway though I was half asleep from the meds so it wasn't too bad.

  2. whoknows...approximately how long would you guess you were in the "face down" position during extraction of 2100 grafts?


    I think 3 and a half to 4 hours. First thing before he does any donor extracting is he makes all the recipient sites, so the grafts can go right in when extraction is done.

  3. I too had a neograft done in 2012 for 1000 grats I think it cost me 5k and it was a mistake. I later had to get another hair transplant done in july of 2015 this time by a doctor recommended on this website. Judging from your pics you are most likely going to need another one, 1800 grafts over that big of an area won't give good enough density. You need to research this website to find a good doctor and do NOT go back to that neograft doc for any other work.

  4. I had my fue with Dr. Wesley in New York, it was a little over 2100 grafts to the frontal third. He did the initial consult with me for close to an hour, he extracted every graft, made all the recipient sites, and helped with the implantation along with 2 other technicians. I just hit the 4 month post op mark and things are looking good.

  5. About 2 years ago I had a 1000 graft neograft procedure done to my hairline. I didn't do my research and just jumped into. The transplanted hair did grow but my forelock started to thin so I have been buzzing my hair down. I like the look of my buzzed hair I just want to cover up the fue scars created by the neograft. Also I have been on rogaine foam for 1 and a half years and propecia for a little over a year.


    I am wondering if anyone has had temp smp done at hishair in Ny and if they had good results.

  6. i have a consultation with the Bosely group in phila. Any comments?


    I live near Philly too, there are some very good docs to consult with, just need to be willing to drive 2 or 2 and a half hours. Don't go to bosely, consult with dr Lindsey in Virginia, dr feller in ny, and true Dorian in ny just to name a few.

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