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Posts posted by longhair

  1. I didn't even think about the goggles and I definitely don't want to get whacked in the back of the head in a mass swim start. I guess I'll just sit out the rest of this season. I was worried about the up and down motion of running stretching the scar but my doc says it should be fine in a few weeks. May wait a while to get back on the bike though. The thought of a crash right now does not sound appealing.

  2. Hi, I just had a hair transplant done on august 5th. I had roughy 3000 grafts taken by strip procedure by a coalition doctor. My recovery seems to be going well so far and I am scheduled to have the staples taken out this friday after nine days. After reading a lot of recent posts about scar stretching and healing I'm becoming a little concerned about when to start excersizing again and how much. I run and cylcle quite a bit as well as swim and do triathlons. I was told that I could start easing into running again after a couple of weeks but I have a marathon scheduled in December and a triathlon in November. Would starting to train heavily in running, cycling our swimming in the first few months after surgery significantly increase the odds of scar stretching? Any other runners, cyclists, triathletes out there have any experience with this?


  3. I'm 42 years old. If you look at my other post you can see what I'm contemplating. The doctor I've seen has suggested 2500 grafts. The main area I'm actually concerned about is the hairline and temples. It's hard to see from the pix but my hair has thinned out substantially in the temples leaving kind of an island of hair in the front. I really just want those area's filled out but the doctor suggested dense packing the entire top of my head to give a natural consistent look as my hair continues to thin on the top. I'm really concerned about losing a lot of my hair on top from shock loss with that many grafts in between my existing hair. I thought maybe a better plan would be just to do the temples and crown but I guess the doc thinks that could leave me looking strange down the line.

  4. Hi, I've read through quite a bit on these forums and I'm looking to get some specific advice on a hair transplant I'm considering. I've consulted with Dr. Williams in Las Vegas and he seemed very competent and he has been recommended by this website. I have read about the problems he had with his techs a few years ago but it seems to have been resolved. Does anyone here have any recent feedback on him?

    So as for my particular case, I am 42 years old. I have thinning hair in the crown, top and temples. I'm not sure on a norwood scale where I'm at. I also am not sure I'm great candidate for a hair transplant because after a lot of consideration I've decided I do not want to take propecia or rogaine. I told the doctor this and he suggested 2500 grafts me covering the entire top of my head to keep a natural look as my hair loss progresses.

    I'm a worried quite a bit about losing the existing hair I have on the top front of my head with so many transplants being done in between the existing hairs due to shock loss or damage to the roots during insertion of the new grafts. I wonder if it would be a better idea to go with less grafts in the front and just wait and see how the hair loss progresses. My father who is 72 has pretty much the same hair loss pattern as I do and still has hair on the top front part with more thinning on the crown and temples. My brother has a full head of hair and my mothers father at 95 has a full head.

    I'll post some pictures so you can see the current state of my hair.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    hair pix gallery

  5. Hi, I've read through quite a bit on these forums and I'm looking to get some specific advice on a hair transplant I'm considering. I've consulted with Dr. Williams in Las Vegas and he seemed very competent and he has been recommended by this website. I have read about the problems he had with his techs a few years ago but it seems to have been resolved. Does anyone here have any recent feedback on him?

    So as for my particular case, I am 42 years old. I have thinning hair in the crown, top and temples. I'm not sure on a norwood scale where I'm at. I also am not sure I'm great candidate for a hair transplant because after a lot of consideration I've decided I do not want to take propecia or rogaine. I told the doctor this and he suggested 2500 grafts me covering the entire top of my head to keep a natural look as my hair loss progresses.

    I'm a worried quite a bit about losing the existing hair I have on the top front of my head with so many transplants being done in between the existing hairs due to shock loss or damage to the roots during insertion of the new grafts. I wonder if it would be a better idea to go with less grafts in the front and just wait and see how the hair loss progresses. My father who is 72 has pretty much the same hair loss pattern as I do and still has hair on the top front part with more thinning on the crown and temples. My brother has a full head of hair and my mothers father at 95 has a full head.

    I'll post some pictures so you can see the current state of my hair.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    hair pix gallery

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