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Posts posted by nathaniel

  1. Very interesting, Dr. Kabaker,


    How do patients who are prone to keloids and scaring fare from such surgery scar-wise?


    Recently Dr. Lindsey gave a very insightful breakdown of how he "graded" his scar results from strip procedures.




    I wonder if you could generalize the percentage of patients who have a great scar, an ok scar, or a poor scar after such a procedure?

  2. I had really thick hair when I was at university and didn't notice any recession until about 26 at just the temples until. I really didn't think much of it. But I do wish I had started propecia/finasteride at that point - or possibly earlier.


    I've often thought - without no medical training mind you - that given the relative safety of finasteride and the inexpensive price that it might as well be prescribed as a vitamin supplement once guys reach a certain age....


    Just a thought.

  3. Thank you, Greatjob, for replying.


    I'm a bit tired at the moment - sick of looking at my hairline in the mirror trying to figure out some way to comb it to make it look better.


    Perhaps later I'll try and start a new thread...





  4. Ok.....I have tried to figure out how to post the below in a new thread, including reading Pat's "Welcome! Click here to learn how to use this discussion group." However, due to my computer illiteracy I cannot find the "New Thread" button that Pat describes after searching for more than hour.


    As such, if someone who doesn't mind answering my question: "Where is the 'New Thread' button?", I will happily create a new thread to continue responding to any concerns or critiques fellow members may have.


    Thank you!


    - Nathaniel




    I'm not going to answer you point by point because frankly, I feel like I spend my life doing that, as does Dave and Blake.


    I will limit my questions to doctors and other forum members - you need not answer any more of my questions. The primary purpose of my asking questions is so that I can make as educated a choice as possible with regards to treatment for my hair loss; it is not so I can be called a "thorn", an "ass" (per Widowspeak), or threatened: "if you want to continue to post here, I suggest you change your demeaner dramatically."


    This is clearly a threat to censor me or delete me - for asking questions essentially firstly about hair transplant techniques and secondly about clarification regarding the differences between a "Recommended doctor" and a "Coalition doctor" as well as the financial structure of this site and the people who moderate it.


    I have yet to see you state specifically what you find objectionable about my "demeanor", even though I have asked you to cite specific examples.


    I tell you what I will do, though, so as to avoid being off topic in this thread I will create a new thread where you and anyone else (including Widowspeak) can lob criticism against me at will, and I will respond as best I can. At the same time, however, I reserve the right to comment and critique at will. The purpose of this new thread for my part ultimately will be to engage in constructive criticism for the benefit of hair loss sufferers - what Hair Restoration Network claims to be about anyway - and this will be my attempt to contribute.


    As for the explicit threat to censor or delete me, what is the point of being a member of this site if one cannot ask questions and speak freely? Your continued threats to delete me and other members of this forum who question you or "cross you" is the most offensive demeanor I have noted on this site.


    Let me rephrase that in a way that might not sound so harsh:


    I understand that you are trying to do your best as a moderator - and really it is appreciated. The work that you and the other moderators do in the forums as well as behind the scenes is appreciated very much by me and virtually everyone else that visits this site - otherwise they would not be here (spammers not withstanding). Even individuals who get angry, blow up, or make unfounded accusations appreciate this site and the work the moderators do even when it might not appear that way on the surface: their presence and participation in these forums, however, is a greater testament to this fact than any single post typed in a moment of emotional frustration. So with this in mind I respectfully ask that you stop questioning the sincerity of posters such as tacolinowest when they express an opinion with which you disagree; similarly don't get so aggressively defensive and start threatening members with censorship or deletion when members question your objectivity and impartiality - it only makes you appear more biased in my opinion. As a moderator, and specifically a paid moderator of a site that collects membership fees from the doctors whom people are considering for treatment, you must be prepared for people to openly question your impartiality - and you must do it graciously even if members are less than gracious in the manner in which they question that impartiality - after all, they are not paid and you are, therefore it is incumbent upon you to respond in as professional a manner as possible with language that is designed to address their expressed concerns (regardless of how ill-worded they may be) while simultaneously de-escalating tensions. In this regard I believe Blake does a better job at using language that is considerate of the poster while addressing and reaffirming forum rules and guidelines for posting.


    As for speaking with you personally on the telephone I am completely uncomfortable at this time doing so – revealing my telephone number and name through caller ID is not something at this point I wish to do – if ever. That being said, there may come a time at which point I might be comfortable chatting on Skype with you; but honestly, why do you feel the need to talk privately with me? What can you not say publicly that requires such privacy with regards to asking questions to doctors about their techniques and procedures? I am really uncomfortable with this, even if it is well intended. If you really feel you need to communicate privately with me, start by sending a private message, please.



    I really feel (and these are my feelings only) that the primary source of your annoyance with me is centered on my questions regarding the financial structure of this website and the financial compensation paid to moderators for their time – to which I have never objected and understand completely for the need. I simply asked for financial transparency so I could take that into consideration when considering advice and recommendations from moderators; however it in no way lessens the gratitude for your assistance.


    For my own part, I reiterate that my primary goal as a member of this forum is to try and find the best solution for my hair loss needs, and I am very grateful for the input of moderators, non-physician members, and physician members. I am especially grateful to Doctors Lindsey, Vories, Feriduni, Cooley, and other doctors who have taken the time to explain their medical techniques and procedures to me. Those doctors who take time to answer my questions are much more likely to be the doctors to whom I travel for medical treatment, so in this regard I simply ask that if you don’t like my questions don’t answer and let the doctors who wish to reply do so. I can guarantee you that if I travel to Belgium to seek treatment with Dr. Feriduni or London to seek treatment with Dr. Lorenzo there are going to be a lot more questions coming.





  5. Bill, I apologize for taking topics off task. This forum is the first forum (and really only forum) in which I have ever utilized "threads". I have seen other sites which use threads, but quickly clicked away because >for me< threads seem primitive and are a pain to use. You have to read "backwards" to find out what's going on, and it's very time consuming!!!


    I am not a computer person - and especially not a PC person. I don't know how to design sites, don't know how to program, don't know html, don't know code, don't know any of this stuff. I have always used Macintosh computers because they seemed more intuitive and simpler to me than PC's, but even Macintosh computers drive me crazy when they don't "do right".


    And when does one start a new thread? Should I do it now before responding? I feel if I do so then I have left a thread without addressing your comments. Again, I apologize if I haven't learned "proper thread social etiquette" in my month and a half of being a member of this forum. I should like to point out I was happy to comment in a new thread previously when it was mentioned I was off topic and was grateful when a new thread had been created that allowed for further discussion of the new topic.


    That said, this thread is technically about the results of a procedure performed by Dr. Madhu - and I responded with shock and criticism in regards to the outcome. I concur with sentiments expressed by posters before me that the value of "Recommended" status and "Coalition" status doctors is lessened when doctors with sub-par results, especially recurring and/or grotesquely poor results, continue to

    enjoy member status. Even you stated:


    I will be contacting Dr. Madhu and ask him to begin presenting new examples of his work...I think it's time to re-evaluate his procedure and results to make sure his typical procedure and results are still and regularly high quality.


    Based on just one poor outcome it is completely appropriate to review any doctor's procedures and results (I believe Blake has stated this is standard practice at HRN?). My question to you, Sir, is why does it take so much public outcry to openly acknowledge this? Indeed, any hospital that did not automatically review a poor outcome by a staff doctor I'm guessing could potentially be legally liable...? Is this not standard protocol for quality control in every industry when something goes wrong?


    Aside from my negative reaction to Dr. Madhu's surgical results in this thread, the only other comment I made in my original posting in this thread is that I would like a different means by which to search for doctor/patient outcomes - and that was at Blake's invitation:


    We do our best and suggestions are always welcomed!


    If suggestions really are always welcome (and I'm beginning to believe they are NOT...), then perhaps it is the MODERATORS who should start a new thread entitled: "ALWAYS WELCOMED



    Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of you asking the same questions and making the same comments about physicians recommended by this community paying a sponsorship fee. This has been discussed several times (in direct response to you).


    Frankly, I'm getting tired of your overuse of the word "Frankly" :)


    A simple "search" on this forum will show this to be true. Frankly, I'm surprised and disappointed by the lack of support you seem to have for this community, given all the good we do to help people.


    Frankly, I'm disheartened in the way you dissed Tacolinowest earlier in this thread after the many positive contributions he has made and continues to make to this community - unpaid I must add. In previous threads I have expressed concern at the way visitors to this site are treated at times, and that concern extends to you, as I "feel" (and these are my personal feelings that no one else can validate or invalidate) that you are sometimes too dismissive, aggressive, and lacking empathy towards persons seeking help - answers - for their hair loss. Indeed I would be inclined to believe that you are something of a bully if it were not for the fact that I have in actuality spoken privately with other individuals, one of whom communicated to me that he had spoken with you on the phone and that you are actually a "pretty nice guy".


    Ok.....this is a REALLY poor analogy:


    We operate much like an ivy league university who accepts only the brightest students. Only a handful are selected but students who choose to enroll still have to pay a tuition. Furthermore, teachers and staff members of the university do get paid for their work.


    Let me be clear: I am perfectly capable of speaking with a wickedly vicious tongue - it's not that the words don't enter my mind; however, I continually edit my words with consideration to our shared mutual objectives regarding the best hair loss treatment options available and how to improve upon them. As such, I am deleting the next several sentences....


    <Content deleted by Nathaniel>


    Let me return to this statement:


    Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of you asking the same questions and making the same comments about physicians recommended by this community paying a sponsorship fee. This has been discussed several times (in direct response to you).


    In another thread (so as not to drag this one off topic any further), could you please specify the comments made in regards to a sponsorship fee that are causing you discomfort. I do not recall at any point making any negative statement about the sponsorship fee; indeed I recall acknowledging it as necessary. It is true that I pointed out it creates a conflict of interest, but acknowledging that conflict of interest is necessary for full disclosure and transparency - which is fundamental to fostering a sense of trust among members of this community.


    Furthermore, teachers and staff members of the university do get paid for their work.


    That's fine, I don't have a problem with this at all! I figured as much given the amount of time you dedicate to this site - I asked simply to confirm for the purpose of full disclosure and transparency that moderators are financially compensated.


    Similarly, we only approve a small percentage of surgeons who apply for recommendation. Those who choose to become a physician sponsor pay a sponsorship fee and are listed on this site. Moderators and publishers do get paid for all their efforts on keeping this site running.


    Yes, I've read this before, too; in fact, I wish to point out that I've actually read quite a bit of the pre-published threads. When I asked for clarification on the differences between "Recommended" and "Coalition" member doctors, I would like to point out that even Dr. Vories was confused by some terminology:


    I don't describe our clinic as "fully implemented ultra refined follicular unit grafting" because I don't know what it means.


    We truly do our best to be balanced and fair. There are many examples where we've walked along side of patients and did the best we can to help them find an amicable resolution with their physician. Dave, Blake and myself have personally played the mediator and helped to negotiate solutions (including refunds when appropriate) for patients. But there are also times when doctors deserve protection from malicious attacks. This is all part of being balanced.


    I believe this, too - up to a point. And, really, why should I or anyone else simply take your word after being a member of this forum for only six weeks? I don't know any of you. Like everyone else I come to this forum with hope - but trust, that is something that is earned over time, and it does not come easily.


    I appreciate the offer to telephone you, but I am not comfortable with that at the present moment - personally I feel like you'll just berate me, and I've got enough to deal with as is.


    I do appreciate this forum and the work the moderators do - as I've said before in various threads. But trust you totally and wholeheartedly I do not.





  6. Hi, Patriot34,


    I know you don't want to name your doctor, but do you feel comfortable telling us if your doctor is a "Recommended" or "Coalition" Hair Restoration Network doctor?


    I agree that your outcome is nothing at all to be satisfied with. Dr. Cooley's statement about the relative rarity of a follicle being in an undetectable telogen phase during microscopic dissection suggests at a minimum poor quality control at your clinic. When taken in conjunction with the lack of density, it suggests to me someone who was totally unqualified performing your procedure. Were you awake during the procedure? Do you know who performed it - the doctor and/or assistants?


    I think you should get a piece of paper and a pencil with which to mark tallies; then sit at a mirror with magnification and use a nail file to part all the doubles you see in the hairline and mark a tally on the paper each time you split a double. Then report the number of doubles to your clinic, and tell them you'll be happy to come in with your magnified mirror and "split hairs" with them to reaffirm your count if their continued denial is problematic. If it's still a problem, record it all with an iphone and e-mail the count to them - if they have difficulty opening the e-mail, explain that you'll be happy to post it on youtube where they can more easily view it.


    Just my thoughts on the matter...


    All the best,



  7. Dr. Lindsey, I think it's really great that you provide so much information and various options to potential patients without any sales tactics. If you were a little bit closer to me I'm sure I would have already popped in for a consultation :)


    I also like that you emphasize that there is no rush - hair loss is not a life threatening medical condition.


    I am still curious about the reference to "fine hairs" and how they factor in to it - you mentioned them in a previous posting a couple of weeks ago and I had questions about them then and was hoping to hear you elaborate a bit more on them.


    Thank you!


    - Nathaniel

  8. Absolutely, there is no better predictor of how you will scar in the future than how you scarred last time...


    Very good to know, Dr. Lindsey. I had the impression from another doctor that the scalp was less prone to scarring than other areas of the body, even if one is already prone to keloids elsewhere. It is good to hear someone caution against a scar resulting procedure in light of previous scars elsewhere on the body.


    Thank you!


    - Nathaniel

  9. Dr. Cooley has written in another post that doubles in the hairline should be rather rare:


    If follicular unit grafts are created under microscopic dissection, they can be accurately separated into 1, 2, and 3 hair grafts. The size incision I make for 1 hair grafts usually won't accept 2 hair grafts and my placers know to be careful about this. Occasionally, we might see a 2 hair graft at the hairline and it is thought that sometimes a practically invisible telogen follicle can be 'hiding' in what appears to be a 1 hair graft. We don't see this very often though...


    The techniques I use to repair and correct hairlines would include using 1) FUE to remove grafts at the hairline or 2) electrolysis, which often works well to turn 2 and 3 hair grafts into one hair. It just depends on the situation. I've heard of some doctors using laser hair removal to correct hairlines but I have never done this.



    See the thread below:



  10. Blake,


    As I mentioned, I do like you - I think you (and the other moderators generally) do a good job overall at moderating; and I'm certainly appreciative of the information and support I have found in these forums.


    1) I would like to know, however, if moderators receive financial compensation for the time they contribute to this forum. I am already aware that doctors pay a fee to be either a recommended or coalition physician member of this site, and I do understand there are costs associated with running this site.


    Here is a alphabetical list of our recommended hair restoration surgeons... This feature has been available on our community since its inception many years ago.


    2) Yes, I was already aware of the alphabetical listing by physician; thanks for pointing it out nonetheless!


    "Originally Posted by nathaniel

    The current structure enabling doctors/clinics to post their best results in one place under the doctors'/clinics' name while in contrast providing patients only the opportunity to post outcomes in unrelated, solitary threads or personal blogs (often outdated for someone doing a current search) does not provide the general viewing public sufficiently equal opportunity to review all available information on a particular doctor/clinic."


    I'm not quite sure what you mean, nor am I certain it is possibly to remedy this perceived issue. First, patients and physicians post results in two different categories in the same forum. One is designated for "results posted by clinics" the other is "results posted by patients." I don't see what is wrong with separating these categories in order to keep the forums organized and user friendly? Are you saying we should disregard the forum norm of subcategories and allow all information to be posted in one generalized section of the site?


    I have stated with no malicious intent on several occasions that I find this site difficult to navigate - primitive is the word that comes to my mind, but again I don't mean that to be offensive - it's just the word that comes to my mind, and I can't really control what random words pop in and out of my brain. I want to emphasize at the same time I am indeed grateful for this forum, the invaluable information I have gathered here, and the overall supportive atmosphere among members. That being said, what I would like to see is an alphabetical listing of doctors; under each doctor there would be two sub-categories: 1) posting of patient results by the doctors or their clinic employees 2) posting of patient results by the patients themselves.


    Currently it is very easy to look up a doctor alphabetically and see the various results the doctor has posted; however, to find doctor results posted by various patients one must do a search for that doctor's name and then trudge through numerous threads in which the doctor's name appears - whether the threads show actual examples of the doctor's work or not. In this sense the HRN, as I stated before, "does not provide the general viewing public sufficiently equal opportunity to review all available information on a particular doctor/clinic." I am not saying that the information isn't there; just that the search parameters are inherently biased (whether intentional or not - note I'm not saying it's intentional!) towards results posted by doctors and not results posted by patients.


    What's more, clinics usually post 1 case a month for years. Because this results in dozens and dozens of cases that need to be shared on a regular basis, it's hard to claim clinics are only sharing their best results. Furthermore, these clinics are recommended and endorsed by our community based partially upon their high ethics, so accusing them of cherry picking results, in my opinion, is unfair.


    Ouch! You hurt my feelings now.... ^^


    3) Usually post 1 case a month? Is this a requirement? Also is it stated somewhere in the forums that this is "standard" procedure for clinics? I was unaware that all clinics were posting results once a month with due diligence; but if so, I think that's great - but it would be better IMO if it were a requirement made clear to all participants in this forum - doctors, patients, casual readers. At any rate, I disagree that "it's hard to claim clinics are only sharing their best results." Perhaps for you it is hard to claim, but for me it is quite easy to claim that they are showing their best results and, by extension, not their worst results - which might simply be no worse than average - or even above average! At the same time, however, I did not state in any way that HRN member doctors are hiding horrible results or, by extension, are unethical; rather, I specifically expressed the need for a more user-friendly search parameter with particular emphasis on the new or casual user who might be seeking evidence of poor to average results - if such results even exist:


    ...visitors to HRN seeking evidence of poor to even average patient outcomes for any particular doctor must sift through numerous, often lengthy and frequently indirectly related threads to find such postings (assuming such postings exist).


    Cherry picking, btw, is your word, not mine. I don't believe you will let me put words in your mouth, so understand I can't allow you to put words in my mouth :)

    (Though to be fair, I have seen OTHER members use that word; however, I was trying to avoid -perhaps unsuccessfully? - using loaded terminology that might infer devious intent.)


    The real problem in my mind (and the mind of others - and I should add I don't have a solution) - is the payment of monies by doctors to HRN (and perhaps moderators?) to obtain recommended and coalition membership status. I recognize that fees are used to support and maintain this site as a free and open resource to all interested persons as well as contribute overall to the further advancement of hair loss treatment. Nonetheless, there exists a conflict of interest of which everyone is aware. To their credit, on the whole the moderators do a good job of trying to remain impartial and objective; however, when horrid results are revealed as in the case of Chilliboy and a doctor continues to be whole heartedly recommended even while an investigation is underway, the impartiality of the moderators and HRN is suspect - and necessarily so (especially when the specifics of such investigations are secretive in nature). Where there is conflict of interest there must always be suspect and explanation - if for no other reason than to allow everyone to see all is on the up and up.


    Again, we truly do our best to run our network, and if you do have specific suggestions for making it more accessible for those conducting research, please let me know.


    I know you do! And my suggestion was to let both doctors and patients post their outcomes in an alphabetical listing by doctors' names. :)


    Now I am tired and sleepy, though, so I wish you all a good night!


    - Nathaniel

  11. I personally think that you are doing yourself a great disservice limiting yourself to New York for FUE.


    Dr. Lorenzo, right now, is probably the best in world right now doing FUE. There are some Turkish docs that are putting out good stuff too.


    If time and or cost is not an issue (and I know that's a big IF), Spanker is telling you bluntly, don't consider FUE in NY. So are several other posters on here because these NY physicians (based on what the posters have reported) have developed their FUT skills more so than their FUE skills. I can say I consulted with a coalition doctor who made it very clear that his FUE results were not as good as his FUT results; that being said, his FUT results are excellent - above all, however, I very much appreciated his honesty.


    Does anyone know if Dr. Lorenzo is going to continue to perform FUE in Spain as well as London? And would the price be the same in both locations?


    Spanker....why didn't you mention Belgium? Just curious.... :)

  12. Ali, why don't you try finasteride/propecia first? I read quickly this thread, but it seemed like you took another medicine, not specifically finasteride/propecia?


    The side effects of medicine are temporary, hair transplant is permanent. In my opinion, it really doesn't matter what age you are - 21 or 91 - try meds first!!!


    I have seen some permanently horrible results from hair transplants. Why risk it when you can try meds first? Also, I have heard from one coalition doctor and one recommended doctor that it matters where you buy your meds and what dosage you buy because makers in some countries - such as china and india - have poor quality control. I believe a coalition doc told me that 1 mg finasteride tablets were made in India and were of poor and insufficient quality (I say I believe because I'm not sure if I remember the location of where it was made). Another doc told me not to buy from Walmart. As such, I buy my 5 mg finasteride tablets from CVS pharmacy.

  13. After a long discussion over FUE vs strip, particularly with his fine hairs, he chose FUE.


    Motoro, what did the "long discussion" over FUE vs. strip entail, and why did you choose FUE? And how did "fine hairs" factor into all of it?


    Your pre-op pics look pretty good, so you are fortunate to have started on meds so early so that your transplant procedure was minimized!


    - Nathaniel

  14. Ok, thank you for clarification, Dr. Vories! I do appreciate it as having a better understanding of method and technique really does provide me with greater reassurance and confidence in the potential for a successful hair transplant.


    With this in mind I would like to ask a bit more about tech assistants' roles in surgery. I've seen different terms to describe assistants, even by you: nurse, physician extender, surgical tech, for example, are terms I believe you have used.


    1) Do these terms reflect different levels of education? I have a bit of a concern about someone having only 2 years of technical training after high school being involved in surgery - though I really don't know anything about medical training, that's just my perception based on literally nothing, and I don't wish to offend medical technicians! But it is my body we're talking about here, and I want to understand their qualifications.


    Moreover, specifically with regards to Neograft I have seen many people comment on Neograft techs flying in to assist or even do surgeries (I'm thinking of the video I saw of Dr. Hall in another thread); and also in yet another thread Dr. Lindsey commented on "fly in" techs.


    2) Do you use now or have you used in the past "fly in" Neograft techs or other company techs to assist in surgeries? How do you screen for qualifications?


    I've been told that "fly in" techs/nurses are quite common in all kinds of surgeries, not just hair transplants, but I don't really understand how it all works honestly.


    Thank you!



  15. I'm sure you paid a lot of money for this procedure, and you've got a long road ahead. Do not hesitate to contact the doctor under any circumstances during this time; a good physician will most likely respond within a short time, even on the weekends and evenings - after all, they have a vested interest in both your health and a positive outcome, so don't keep them out of the loop of any concerns you have: it's unfair to them!


    E-mail and call him/her NOW if you have concerns!!! :)

  16. Dr. Oz recommends limiting red meat.


    I've been a vegetarian for almost a year now. I look at it as a culinary exploration - what types of plant based flavors can i combine in new and interesting ways, especially with so many different types of plants out there: fresh herbs and vegetables and fruits are truly amazing in flavor! At my local garden nursery they have like 10 different kinds of basil alone, from spicy to cinnamon to sweet. Same with thyme and other herbs - so many different intense flavors in one type of herb.


    I weigh 165 lbs, 5' 10'', do not exercise at all - though I hope to exercise more in the coming year xD

  17. mattj,


    Did Dr. Rahal's patient try finasteride/propecia before surgery? The transplanted hairline looks very natural, but honestly it didn't look bad before - I don't see where it was lowered that much, just thickened up. Could not finasteride/propecia have done alot to improve the hairline without surgery?


    I think Dr. Konior's hairlines look great and very natural - however, they also look like politician hairlines - they all make me think of Mitt Romney. I don't have dark, coarse hair; and I don't want to look like a politician! xD


    That being said, Patriot34's comments about a hairline that "ages" with you is of concern to me. I love the look of Feriduni's hairlines, but I wonder how these individuals will look in 10 - 20 years.


    Mickey85, have you commented before about Shapiro Medical Group's hairlines or FUE?




    If this link gets removed by the moderators, the youtube title is "FUE hair transplant, hairline example by Dr Paul Shapiro of Shapiro Medical Group"


    Ok......at this point in my life I want a hairline that looks like Michael Tintiuc....not very practical for long term hair loss, perhaps, but for a couple of years at least it would be fun :)



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