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Posts posted by SoftVoice

  1. I'm still trying to figure out how much time is right for those who work in an office/can't wear hats. But I can tell you that returning to work 4 days post-op was WAY too soon after my strip procedure. I kept a little diary of my experience at the time and wrote "next time take 14 days off." I don't know if that's enough, but 4 days definitely was not.

  2. There is medical evidence to support the healing benefits of this, so I took 3 "rides" in a hyperbaric chamber right after my surgery. I have no way of knowing what my recovery would have been without them, but believe it was a big waste of money. Better to rest and eat healthy after an HT. It won't hurt, but I wouldn't recommend hyperbaric therapy---despite all the "hype."

  3. My first night after surgery was fine, but on night 2 I woke up at 4am bleeding from my scalp. When I looked in the mirror, there was a small, little white "worm" in my hair. I called my surgeon the next day (I had flown home) and he told me it was probably a graft. I think because my scalp was so itchy that I must have scratched it in my sleep and dislodged one. I'm not sure how to prevent this but have a couple suggestions. If your doctor gave you a sedative (e.g. Valium) pre-op, take that or an over-the-counter sleep aid for 3-4 nights after surgery to help you sleep more deeply and reduce chances of nocturnal scratching/rubbing. Another is buy some breathable surgical paper hair "caps" to cover your head at night.

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