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Posts posted by newhair11

  1. Have any new updates on your hair? ?????? New pics


    All new hair was grown in around month 5. Since then the redness has 100% gone away. All the hair has grown in nice and straight. At first it grew in a little frizzy, so it looked interesting since i have super straight hair but now its exactly like all the other hair. Maybe a couple shades darker. Not noticeable. Everything looks great. When you look close the hairline sides are a little less dense than I would have hoped. Might consider a little fill in session in a couple years.Its only like that because all my other hair is so dense. Besides that Im very happy. Dr. Charles did an excellent job and am happy that I've had the pleasure of working with him. Any questions ask away..


  2. Hey guys, here is my 4 month update (3 months 3 weeks to be exact) I know i promised pics so im attaching those to this thread.(sorry about the low res)


    -Hair has been growing in slowly for the past 2 months. My left side is looking pretty good just hoping for more growth and density. Right side is lacking a little bit still pretty empty. Im calm since its still only 4 months.


    The only thing that has been really bugging me is the redness. It has just recently gone to the point where its not very visible but for the first 3 1/2 months it was pretty prominant. People told me it might last a couple weeks or a month at most and only in rare cases does it last longer. Well Im at 4 months and it is still slightly pink. Any feedback guys? have you also been victim to this everlasting redness?


    Anyways overall im happy and am hoping for more growth in the next couple months. Im going to keep the hair short until it fills in completely so I can track the progress.


    Ay questions ask away...







  3. One Month Post Op Update:


    I feel great starting the past couple days noone seems to notice anything whatsoever.


    A lot of the redness went away, hoping the rest of it goes away in the next month.


    95% of the tranplanted hair has fallen out. I have slight shock loss on both sides. More shock loss on my left side which to me is very surprising because my left side seemed much stronger going into the procedure.


    My main concern is that my donor area seems to have lost a good amount of density. All of my hair was taken from a rectangle and somewhat concentrated so when pointed out its still somewhat easy to spot. I wonder if Im getting any shockloss in the back? Is the slight redness in the donor area making the loss in density more visible? Will it somehow look thicker in a couple month? I plan on wearing my hair very short. Even shorter than in the pictures. Im a little scared that the donor area will be visible since there is an instant change in density as opposed to a gradual change. What do you guys think?






  4. Day 17: Nothing special going on just feel like giving a little update. Redness is slowly subsiding. Im feeling great. My previous anxieties have slowly went away. I am very excited about to forthcoming months but I'm trying not to think about it. I think about 75% of my donor hair in the recipient sites fell out.


    Just curious:


    -Im pretty sure im on track.Am i correct? Any comments you guys have or any advice?


    -I know there have been thousands of posts on redness but, Im running a presentation in a couple days and there's going to be a lot of eyes on me. Any advice for redness. From all the research I've done it seems like its only a matter of time. Do you guys agree? Or has there been something that has helped a numerous amount of people take the redness away quicker? I've bought aloe but haven't used it yet. I have also bought aloe mixed with"ALDAVINE" supposedly a redness reliever. This is an after burn product from CVS mainly for redness relief from sunburn. Any experience with either?

  5. 2 WEEK UPDATE: Its been exactly two weeks. From my prior expectations I am just around where I thought I would be.


    The donor area is still red but starting to be less and less visible. Within a week I predict it will be unnoticeable.


    My recipient areas are still pink. The redness went away but the pink has stayed and has been lingering a little bit hopefully will go away soon. I really hope it doesn't last a couple months as it did with some guys. I am a little worried only because now I see the implanted hairs very well and they don't seem to be dense at all. Im just not sure weather some of the hair already fell out or if these are the only ones that will grow.


    With 920 grafts in such a small area I was expecting to see a somewhat thick amount of hair in week 2 before they fell out. Any input guys?


    Likewise I feel like I got a little bit of shock-loss on my left side and almost none on my right. My left side used to be a little stronger and now just looking at the original hair looks much weaker.


    I guess I am getting a little anxious waiting mainly for the colors to fade so its not as noticeable when I go out. I notice people look at it when I'm out and about but so far no one has commented on it.


    Besides that, no pain or discomfort. Im still using no sulfate shampoo. No Meds or Supps.


    Wish you guys a good weekend, happy growing!







  6. Thanks a bunch guys. Yes. I'll do my best to keep the updates coming.


    MM1, I think that is correct, a few years ago FUT's yielded better results but from reviews of current patients and ones using ARTAS from what I've read they seem to be pretty equal. (of course in the hands of an excellent surgeon.)


    Greatjob, no I'm not taking any medications and don't plan on taking anything in the future. I don't like taking pills and if future hair-loss arises I will adjust accordingly. If its very mild I will potentially continue to do transplants at appropriate times and if it is very severe I will probably not intervene. Only time will tell.

  7. Hey guys,

    I was fiending these forums before I got my transplant so I figured I would share my experience and could maybe give another perspective especially for the younger guys.





    I noticed after going through pictures that my hairline receded in the corners around age 15. Probably just when puberty peaked. I am 21 now and for the past 6 years have had around the same hairline. Very strong and dense throughout my head just receded in the corners.



    I did my homework and narrowed down my list of doctors and one of which I saw was Dr. Charles who happened to live in my area. (south Florida) I had 2 consultations with him and we decided if something was to be done it would be in the 500-1000 graft range but he strongly advised me to give it a year to make sure I truly wanted to do the procedure and make sure my hairloss at least for now was somewhat stagnant. ALmost a year later I was back in his office even more educated on the procedure and certain and confident that I wanted to do it. He happened to have an open day later that week so everythign happened so fast.


    Charles Medical Group (CMG): The procedure went very smooth. I chose Dr. Charles because he made me feel comfortable and presented himself naturally and confidently and brought about positives and negatives. He was professional and his staff was likewise exceptional. Everyone was very friendly and excited about what they were doing.


    Surgery: We did just about 920 grafts in one session using ARTAS. Surgery went from around 9:30am to 3pm but that included a comfortable and quite delicious lunch that the staff provided. Time went by quickly, I was in very little discomfort and actually was very much comfortable and painless throughout. Once again everyone was very professional yet friendly and made the procedure a breeze.


    Look: For the look I wanted to keep the same kind of shape of the hairline just widen it just a big to take away that peninsula look. Like wise I wanted to slightly fill in my current hairline since it was slightly thin at the edges. Finally the overall goal was to make everything as dense as possible since all of my hair elsewhere on my head is very dense.


    Current: I am currently in day 8 in post-op and am very happy. Almost all the scabs have shed and redness is slowly starting to fade. I am very happy with my results thus far and am looking forward to the future.


    Satisfaction: From my research and expectations at day 8, I am 100% satisfied. I hope the following months will go smoothly.


    If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


    PICTURES: The first 2 are right before surgery. The third is immediately post op. The final 3 are 3 days post op







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