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Posts posted by neely

  1. its been reported to do that by many for many many years. this is not the only forum I belong to and those issues have been reported time and time again on multiple different HT forums. maybe YOU shud join them urself and do a little research and ull find out that yes its a "Known Fact"....


    does it happen to all that take it? nope. many of the toxic side effects are not reported by many but that doesn't mean many others haven't experienced those side effects.


    ppl get all bent out of shape wen someone points out a side effect to Fin. its like they get offended cause the most simple solution to stopping and sometimes growing new hairs is no longer simple and may not work for them so most wud rather just deny the fact that these side effects exist cause either they themselves have not experienced it or they read a few other posters who took it and didn't experience the known side effects so the side effects can't be real.


    well, the side effects are real. the loss of sex drive and libido is also real but ppl like to live in denial cause again someone pointed out that they have had NO side effects and if someone else is reporting them then they must have some other underlying problem. nope. its the Fin.


    the danger with these type of drugs is no one knows the long term toxic side effects cause no one has been on it very long. chit, there is a whole foundation dedicated to it. Post-Finasteride Syndrome: Overview - The Post-Finasteride Syndrome FoundationThe Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation


    thanks for the link

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