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Posts posted by Broken2013

  1. Spanker,


    I agree with you totally. these treatments are not for everyone. Only, rich can afford. It is very painful to see that diseases don't discriminate between rich and poor, but treatments do. Anyways, theoretically, Dr. Nigam has cured this menace with his doubling- HM combo. Just need solid good evidence. I admit it will be reassuring to see that finally someone is able to give us our hairs back, but at the same time everything comes down to money. I just dont understand if you have something near to a cure, why would you charge such a high amount. Just make it affordable and it shouldnt be a problem as whole freakin bald world would be running to you....


    "Baldness should be a choice"

  2. Hey future,


    Thanks for the info, i appreciate. No doubt, doubling has got some real potential to turn nw7 to nw2. I am just concerned for some thinners who still have appreciable ammount of hairs and are just starting to thin. A hair transplant wont be such a good idea in those cases or would it be? Anyways, ive exchanged some emails with dr, nigam. I must appreciate dr. Nigam for taking some time out of his busy schedule to address my queries. So far so good, but i am still waiting like you all for some good solid evidence, both in doubling and pure hm. I am sure the way this doctor is working, we will soon have some groundbreaking evidences ....fingers crossed


    Thanks again future !

  3. I got your point moopookoo, but what about diffuse thinners. IMHO, doubling would be a bad option for them especially for early thinners. For them HM is the real deal. Moreover, HM would be cost effective, less time consuming. doubling only caters to well defined bald areas whereas HM has the potential to help both slick bald as well as diffuse thinners.


    what's your take, Dr nigam??

  4. Hi Dr. Nigam,


    Although I have just joined this forum, i have been closely following you, scrutinizing your case studies for the past few months. First of all i would like to thank you for being so ultra-active on these forums. The way you interact and address each and every query, it is worth appreciating. Whatever happened in the past with those fake photos, doesnt matter anymore. The way you are documenting the cases now. I am highly impressesd....


    Now , i do have some doubts.


    Why are you charging such a huge amount of money for something which may or may not work on us unfortunate hairless heads. I would like to see picture of someone who got full hair of head using your hm protocol(doesnt matter new or old protocol). Have you ever observed anyone getting thicker, fuller hairs after this HM treatment of yours..


    Are the results permanent? Wont dht effect the new revived hair. For instance you said in some post that hm rescues dying follicles that means it simply prolongs the anagen phase.. Now, the dermal papilla is the same adrogen sensitive, but revived and with longer anagen phase. Wont dht start affecting it after some time??

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