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Posts posted by trippy

  1. hey sorry if this sounds kind of dumb but i would really like to know. Can men wear women hair systems? What i mean is can i get the same density as women do and just get a masculine haircut? I just notice how the mens hair peices tends to be much thinner and reveal a lot of scalp on their hair systems (which is natural due to age everyone thins). I'm a young man and my hair doesnt show as much scalp as the men's hair systems do. So i was looking at the females photos and they have nice thick hair which i think would suit my age. Plus the women with alopecia get these full lace systems that cover the temple points and everything which I need because mine are dissapearing.

  2. Dr Feller. i really tried to get one but his reasoning sounded logical to me. I'm also pretty young (20 years old). It sucks going through hairloss so early. But do you know anything about prices in terms of hair peices? This famous hair system guy Joseph Paris is located near me and I looked up his website and even sent him an email about pricing. On the site it said a peice goes for 2,600-4,000 dollars. This sounds absolutely absurd. If i need to get a new hair peice like every 3 months you can imagine the cost. Do you think it means 2,600 dollars yearly or every time you come in for a different peice? Thanks again man.

  3. thanks for the reply but ive been on propecia and minox for a year and half already. I have seen moderate regrowth. I would get the surgery but i think my donor area is very low and i would need to get my hairline and temple points filled in which would probably be like 3000 grafts. Then there's no telling if ill thin in the crown. If that happens I wont have enough donor. I also dislike the quality of my hair as it is pretty thin and starting to get curly when it was striaght my whole life. Maybe I can go for like hair clips which I heard don't damage your hair but the interent has very little information on hair systems. Even the websites that sell the hair systems refuse to refer to them as wigs and specify very little of the cons with wearing one. Thanks again.

  4. I'm 20 years old and have AGA. I was turned down for a hair transplant and I am looking for a quick solution. I still have a lot of hair on my head but no hairline really and thinning temples. I am going away to school and the pressure of others judging me gets me so fxxxing pissed. I have been researching different hair systems that could atleast raise my confidence enough to go outside of my dorm room to a classroom. My questions are:


    - Do hair systems ruin hair under them? I still have hair and I don't want to wear a hair system the rest of my life. Is there a safe way to secure the system onto my existing hair without speeding up the balding?


    -Which hair systems are the best and most natural? I don't care much for cost because I know I won't be wearing them for over a year or two. I need realistic ones. I have considered VirturalReality hair systems, Farrel Hair, and some places in the UK i could order from.


    -What is the difference between full lace and front lace?


    - I know I have to go get a hair peice changed every couple of weeks but can I do it myself? I can't travel from my school back home or toronto to get it done.



    Thank you guys.

  5. that's a pretty funny image of some guy diving under a table. I don't think hairloss is my fault. The only thing i see as my fault is not hopping on propecia sooner. Oh well. One day i will open up to my friends about my hair transplant. Maybe when their heads of hair are worse than mine. Anyways, Dr. Feller I am coming in for our consultation on the 26th. Thank you and Spex for the advice it honestly does mean a lot to me.

  6. thank you for the quick reply. I'm definitely looking forward to the consultation. I would also gladly participate in a video but I can't show my face hahaha. I just can't risk all these judgmental so called friends of mine finding out i had a hair transplant

  7. Hi, Dr. Feller. I'm coming in for a consultation next month. I have hair in the middle of my head with receeded temples. I've always wore my hair slicked back with gel when i was younger and i can no longer do that because of the recession of my hair and the middle mohawk peice that you call it is too thin in the middle to be slicked back. You can see scalp through it. My question is can i fill in the mohawk piece? I would love to fill in my temples as well to create a nice thick hairline that i can comb back. I have seen your previous work and i feel that 3,000 grafts into the frontal third would be perfect. Another question that I have is when you draw a hairline is what do you base it off of? Should I bring in a picture my favorite celebrity hairline? Should I bring in older pictures of me? maybe both? Please let me know.


    - Trippy

  8. i think since fin raises T levels it will cause your head to be "greasy".. its pretty normal just use regenepure or niz shampoo once a day and don't touch your hair with your hands too much that causes it to look oily as well. I suggest soy isoflavones. they tend to make my face and scalp much less oily

  9. hi guys i have my hairtransplant scheduled for this month. I'm really scared :eek: . realistically how much do hair transplants hurt? on a scale of 1-10 how bad would you say the pain of FUT is??.. (1 is stubbing your toe, 5 is breaking a bone, 10 getting a limb or piece of you cut off.) :(


    thanks. :o

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