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Posts posted by Green82

  1. Hi everyone im 9 weeks post op and ive noticed recently at about 7-8 weeks about 50 of the transplanted hair have fallen out from the front. I kept about 60 per cent of the hair from 1500 fue , is this normal for the hair to shed, i have noticed some very small hairs next to the bigger ones...just need some advice thank you

  2. Hi mate to affect the grafts it has to be bad sunburn that goes deep into the dermis where your hair follicle is.It sounds like you got a bit of colour on your epidermis which wont affect the follicle . If you didnt have any pain and much redness like you say especially since your 2 months out youll be fine

  3. Hi everyone i had a 1500 fue done 8 weeks ago yest. Im going to see doc about propecia on Friday its the 1mg dose per day. I have read a lot on the issue but was looking for some advice...


    Would i be better taking half a tablet a day and working it up or just take the full 1mg and see how the side effects are? I see a lot of people have some side effects , some dont , and some take a lesser dosage or skip a day ive read it stays in system for 72 hours?


    Also Do you get a shed? Am i better to wait till my new hair starts to grow then start using? I have been lucky and kept a lot of my grafts maybe 50/60 % so wait till it all grows out or start taking now?


    Any advice and your experience would be great .

  4. Im 6 weeks after hair transplant and have used nanogen twice for max 6 hours then washed it out the last week. I have read the nanogen site and lots of q/s and a/s on internet .The fibres are Keratin, so just like adding hair to hair it says .


    So i think its safe and doc says its fine after 4 weeks. Has anyone used nanogen after hair transplant as obv the fibres land on the scalp where new hairs have been placed im pretty sure it wont hamper growth but has people got any experience they can share?


    There have been questions on here asking but you dont get a definite answer so was hoping people who have used it found it to be ok after transplant and offer there experience and views.

  5. In my opinion the best way to think on a graft is like a cut and the scab you get healing over it like on your hand or anywhere else... The first few days its easy to open and to pull off after that its much harder . I had a loose fitting hat 2 days after my 1500 fue on a 5 hour train journey and i had to remove and spray in the toilet every half hour to hour and lost not one, If your cautious and sensitive theres little chance of pulling out a graft ,but it cannot be tight fitting, very very loose.

  6. Hi make sure you have given yourself enough time to rest after the op . Day 10 is very important that is when your follicle is finally solid so take it really easy till then Do you know if you have a graft spray and shampoo kit off the surgery?? If not get one online Graftcyte kit its called it is expensive but so worth it, its amazing stuff and helps immensely i got 1500 fue done on the 20th may and my redness is almost gone now it helps with healing and keeping the wound clean which is the most important Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruit and veggies to get lots of vitamins and mineral to your new follicles and plenty of protein to help the healing and lots of water (basically watering and feeding the follicles) . You should sleep in upright position for a week that what i done for the swelling and it really helped with a neck cushion really helps from moving right or left and prevents the grafts touching the pillow You will get antibiotics and anti swelling tablets and some painkillers after op . Hope this helps and all goes well mate.

  7. Hi everyone I'm day 21 today after 1500 FUE and want to share some of my exp with people who are just after op or having one soon. After your op relax and get a good sleep in a upright position(preferably with a neck cushion) it helps with the swelling and grafts touching your pillow. Next day the surgery should give you a good wash. Massage the forehead from day 1 even if you don't have swelling yet as it usually comes in day 2/3 its normal so don't worry.The surgery should also give you a hydrating spray, shampoo and conditioner,make sure you spray the grafts every half hour to hour its helps the healing, keeps the wounds clean and to loosen the scabs.


    Day 2

    Get a small amount of your shampoo in a clean glass or cup and mix with luke warm water, gently pour over grafts and leave for a minute or two, rinse using cup with luke warm water until all the shampoo is gone doing this in front of a mirror is good as it helps you see what you doing.The donor area might be a wee bit sensitive so wash gently with same method, massage in circles thats the donor area not the new grafts( do not touch the grafts ) I washed once per day and scabs where gone by day 10/12 . I didn't want to dry my other hair too much with over shampooing i also let it air dry ,don't use a towel it may pull out a graft. Try to stop looking and take it easy watch DVD's / tv, read books or use the internet to take your mind off the op . Bend at the knees if you have to pick anything up or even better get someone to do it for you if your lucky .


    Day 3-7

    I done everything the same like day 1 with washing the donor area and grafts using the cup method, the swelling peaks on day 3/4 and lasted for me to day 7 ,your head feels a bit numb but it will get better. Do not exercise and take it easy for first 10 days as you don't want to risk losing grafts raising your blood pressure .


    Day 8/9/10

    I used some conditioner on grafts very gently for a few minutes don't use a lot, with a finger gently massage in circles and then rinse with cup method this really helped with the scabs , shampoo as normal still using cup method and rinse again with cup..


    Day 11

    I went under shower head for first time as my surgery and surgical evidence show follicle cannot fall out from day 10. I was nervous , i had it on gentlest setting with luke warm water ...it really helped and felt amazing to be under a shower again...you'll be fine!!!! I was nervous and anxious but after day 10 the follicle cannot fall out and this day you feel like a huge burden has been removed as you know the follicle is there to stay hooray. The new grafts I have are mostly still there a few have shed roughly 100/200 some might lose more or less its different with everyone, with most people all the grafts should shed by week 6 and your new hair will grow,its slightly red on top and its almost unnoticeable at back as hair was shaven to zero for op its between a one and 2 now and i have some small red dots in donor area but almost gone and for only 3 weeks out its normal you will notice a big difference between week 2 and 3 with the healing in a few more weeks you wont know you will have had surgery and will have a 3 at back .


    Now its my waiting game if you have any questions I will try to help you with but good luck everyone and hope I help with my experience...happy growing.

  8. Hi everyone you get all the instructions up to day 14 about washing hair and scalp.

    Was hoping to get some info as im now day 18 after 1500 fue . Im still a little red on top but looking much better, A bit red at back but making progress everydayas hair grows out . What i was needing advice with is how often should i be washing hair now? All scabs are gone. My original hair is getting a little dry and was hoping to wash less but dont want my scalp to be greasy and dirty what is the best amount of time between washes... hope i can get some help from people that have been here, thank you.

  9. Hi mate its normal for the hairs to fall out anywhere from 10 days onwards my surgeon said to me. Its the follicle that creates the new hair all the wee hairs will fall out by around 30 days post op with only about 5 per cent of people this dosent happen to (lucky devils) the follicles are there now to stay the new hairs take up to a year to grow into but you will see wee sprouts round the 4 month mark . Look on youtube also to put your mind at ease 1500 fue and you will see the process. Its laying the seed (follicle) I know how worrying it is and careful you are dont worry though the hair will grow but the scabs need to come off and the wee hairs might too but the follicle is where your new hair will grow , Use very mild conditioner for 15 minutes before shampoo to soak into scab and will fall of easier. Massage in a circle softly ..let me know how you get on .

  10. Hi everyone, i had 1500 fue done 14 days ago the back of my head and sides are different lengths from being shaved to zero at the back for extraction.and side was at a three,k is now about 1 when can i shave so there all the same, almost all scabs are gone and some light redness, thank you.

  11. Dont be scared mate the follicle cannot fall out now its there to stay after 8/10 days You have to wash area very softly with your finger and work the scabs off with baby shampoo. You need to do this as the scabs have to go. Mine are almost all off maybe 15/20 here or there after 1500 fue surgery on monday 20th may . I know how you feel mate and the worries that go with it but you can read other posts by doctors on here and my surgeon said after 10th day follicle cannot come out

  12. Hi mate have you been washing the site daily with the cup method and baby shampoo??

    If not get some shampoo put it in cup with some hot water and gently massage into site for 4/5 minutes then wash off wash off with cup , i was told to do this for first 8 days then shower normally after still to shampoo and use conditoner 5 min before to soften the scabs up. As your day 13 you will be able to just use conditioner and baby shampoo and under shower stream as follicles solid from day 8-10 .

  13. Thanks johnny it was last Monday im 10 days now, i think i will leave it as you say a few weeks to im a month post op . Has anyone used nanogen after there op, how long after and does it affect growth? Read a few articles which say its fine 2 weeks after op and surgeon says fine 2 weeks after op but as everyone i want to be super careful.

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