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Posts posted by Patriot34

  1. Only 1 year post op seems way to quick in my opinion. I'm sure the doctors will have no problem with it, but I'm speaking from experience of seeing changes take place after 12 months that you may want to be aware of going into the next procedure. You say that you haven't lost additional hair on fin, but in all reality you have. Perhaps you are losing it at a rate so low you don't notice. This rate changes with age on or off of fin so be aware that what you are planning for may change. This is particularly important with your desire to place follicles in the crown area. I would strongly advise against that based on your photos. I think your best bet would be to concentrate on the front and accept a sparse crown. You are not going to get the best of both worlds just based on the sheer number of hairs you have on your head. I doubt you would be happy with the results of the crown so I would argue that you use those hairs for the front.


    As far as timeline. I wouldn't recommend a 2nd till at least 2 years out, but that's based on my experience that I continued to see changes well after the 1 year mark.

  2. Agreed with Esrec. If you are limited by geographical location and/or finances then this is not something you should even be thinking about, as it appears you are approximately early to mid-thirties. You have a lot of life left and you will continue to lose hair and continue to require additional surgeries. I base that opinion on your photo which appears to be a very common genetic based pattern of hair loss.


    Regarding FUE vs. FUT there is a lot of research and forum discussions you need to read. Just because FUE is newer does not make it better, but for many people I could see why it would be a better option. It just depends on what you are looking for and what your expectations are for your results.


    Bottomline, you need to expand your horizons as far as who you trust with this procedure. No comment on the three docs you mentioned, but I would caution someone of being limited to their geographical location.

  3. I wish you the best and the good news is you have a lot of thick looking donor hair so you can fix anything your not happy with, assuming you are able to slow your hair loss with medication.


    The biggest critique I have is the overall plan. With your natural hairline and density I would questioned your pursuit of a HT. However, I understand the desire to have a lower hairline, as is the apparent plan in this surgery. The problem is you look young and will likely face additional hair loss which could result in you chasing that newly established hairline. Also when people call it "pluggy" looking I think this refers to the selection of the hair follicles used in the front. It appears there may be some thick 2s placed up front which catch the eye. Thin 1s should have been selected, if at all possible.


    I know most would not recommend it, but if this is the case and it really bothers you then I would suggest plucking the unnatural looking hairs up front where you see two hairs coming from the same graft. Overall, the appearance is likely not as bad as this thread has made it appear. The lighting you are using is unforgiving and I would bet it looks much more natural in common settings. I agree that it could have been more densely packed, but with your hair you will be fine man. Also, I don't think the scar looks bad. Again, with your hair that won't be a concern unless you desire to buzz. Dr. Feller is highly reputable so I think you will be happy when its all said and done, just might not be as quick as you were hoping.

  4. FUT, better long term look. FUE typically results in thinning in back of the head that looks very unusual. But this is a case by case and depends on the patient.


    I have seen some amazing cases out of Europe/Turkey, but I think the same level of skill can be found in US and Canada. Just have to go to the right doctor who knows how to plan for the longevity of a patient.

  5. Shedding is common. But Fin will not completely stop hair loss either, rather I believe it just slows it significantly. I have been on it for about 4 years. I have continued to lose hair. No way to know if it has slowed what I would have been without it, but with no side effects I am willing to continue the process. Coming off of it could be devastating. It is not a miracle drug. We are still waiting for that. But I wouldn't even consider a HT without it.

  6. I have seen Dr. Lindsey for about 2 years now, pending a procedure to improve a poor HT from a clinic in MD that is not recommended here. I find that he is one of the most candid doctors with regard to the scar photos that he posts. You will know what you are getting with him. The many photos I have seen regarding scars are about as authentic as it gets. I've actually noticed many procedures on here (FUT) that don't show the scar in as much depth as Dr. Lindsey. He doesn't hide his results and for good reason, he appears to have better scar results than most that I have seen.


    The fact that people don't post could be a privacy request. Many of us just want to move on and be done with the constant posting, especially once we have gotten to a spot that we are happy with. He treats patients with a long-term perspective and doesn't appear to be one that is just trying to get appointments filled. Your best source is to find patients and have a dialogue with them as to their results and their treatment of hair loss.

  7. DHT plays a large part in maintaining the oily sebaceous glands and sebum production and if you take Fin your body will block this process. you do this by reducing DHT by almost 75%.


    fin will also give you premature wrinkles. happens to many on fin. just another toxic side effect from this drug. dry skin will result in wrinkles as it does in smokers or as it does in anyone as they get much older in life.


    fin will absolutely dry and age ur skin. that is a known fact with this drug and its been that way for years. if u went to a dermatologist they wud likely diagnose u with dermatitis but its the fin causing it. dermatitis wud simply be the symptom.


    its also known to cause some really bad acne from dry oily skin.


    fin simply speeds up the aging process for anyone using it. some will experience those effects faster then others but it does the same chit to everyone just not everyone experiences the side effects at the same rate.


    Please reference your source to the multitude of statements your wrote regarding what you are referring to as "a known fact".


    OP, I can only speak for my self, I have experienced zero side effects while being on Fin. There are a lot of reasons for the cause, but before you stop cold turkey I would consult with your doctor.

  8. This crap angers me. There is always going to be someone (until a cure comes along) that is waiting in the wings to suck a desperate person out of money.


    Exactly. This is absolute crap. Genetics are pretty tough to beat. Even FDA approved medication and cosmetic surgery will only buy you time of having a desired look. In the end, you are a fool if you think your genetics will not win the war.


    This laser treatment is more likely to lead to cancer than regrow a single hair or help keep a hair from falling out.

  9. I'd say a good portion of people who are active in this community are victims of the unscrupulous clinics and doctors out there. A good doctor in this field should have integrity along with talent. I remember my clinic telling me about a "new year discount". This should of been enough for me to realize I was walking into one of the worst decisions of my life. Cosmetic surgery, especially when it comes to something like your face or hair should be something that you proceed very cautiously and not with a bargain hunter mindset.


    Glad to see a lot of talented doctors on this website. I think the clinic I went to would of done a hair transplant on an 18 year old if they asked.

  10. Cutting a second FUT scar is what I call a red flag. Is it going to give you more yield? Sure. However, it is going to leave you with an additional scar. Doctors should be concerned with the longevity of a patient's look. Even the poor HT docs can make someone's hair look good for the initial few years. The doctor needs to factor in future hair loss and use a scientific estimate on what the patient will endure down the road. If the patient is prone to genetic hair loss and is still relatively young (45 or below) then cutting a second scar seems to be short sighted and possibly selfish of the doctor. With that said, every case is different and if an additional scar will get the results the patient needs for whatever time they have left then this may be the way to go.


    Two FUT scars would not be ideal for the majority of cases out there though.

  11. I concur with the advice above. You should not be doing a HT if you are not a candidate and willing patient of Propecia. Flat out, that is a horrible idea and if a physician is telling you that this is an acceptable approach then you are possibly pursuing a HT with a corrupt doctor.


    In the end it's your call, but having a HT done without using Propecia for anyone under 60 is a very bad idea. In the end you will never have anymore hairs on your head then you do at this current moment. A HT does not give more hair and Propecia doesn't regrow lost hair. What you have is what you have to work with. Without Propecia you will continue to loose hair and you will only have so much to be able to transplant to fill the voids on your head. It is a procedure that involves an incredible amount of foresight and talent by the doctor. I'm not sure what your age is, but assuming you are still a young man I would advise against proceeding (if you are not currently and successfully on meds). Without Propecia you will be in bad shape. Disagree? Then go ahead and listen to the doctor who is telling you otherwise and then look me up on here in 3-6 years and tell me I was wrong. You will be placing hairs that will likely never fall out around hairs that will eventually be lost, which is not a pretty sight.


    Sorry for the long narrative, but I think this is a topic that patients really need to understand and stop thinking that there is a way around - there is not. On that note, Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia. While the side effects are scary, as they are with all medication, you need to understand that they are very rare and probably worth the minor risk if you are a big enough gambler to pursue a HT in the first place. If a HT is something you want to do then you should take meds for at least a year, see if your hair loss has stabilized and you are free from side effects and then you are in a position to pursue a HT. If you don't want to do a HT keep on the meds, as they will significantly slow down your genetic battle of hair loss.

  12. I wanted to give something back to this community and here is what I have determined after a year of using American Crew Thickening Lotion.


    I feel it is easily the best gel I have used in order to increase the cosmetic thickness of my very thin hair. If you have received a HT and need some gel this is my #1 recommendation after trying a handful that seemed to have the opposite effect I was looking for.


    Be advised that it is costly, but a little goes a long way so it will last you a while. Hope that helps for those looking for this answer.

  13. I have had a FUT done by clinic in that operates out of Rockville, MD. It was a bad experience essentially summed up by a shady salesman who didn't know what the hell he was talking about and said everything he could to get the sell. I have been seeing Dr. Lindsey for a little over a year or so now in order to figure out a way forward, just saw him this week actually.


    My two cents, though Dr. Lindsey has not yet performed the next procedure for me, I trust him more than anyone else. He is very candid and experienced. HTs can be a bit of a gamble in many regards, but I feel like your odds are best with Dr. Lindsey. There are plenty of photos available that you should check out. No experience with Dr. Vogal. Probably not as much info out there as Dr. Lindsey so you will have to dig a bit deeper. VSC has had a lot of well documented horror stories. I would proceed with caution and make sure you do thorough research, though I have had no personal experience with them. The names of the people operating the shop are more important than the shop. If you want feedback, post the names of the sales staff, surgeon, techs ect. There are a few names out there that should be avoided and tend to jump between clinics.


    Dr. Lindsey is the surgeon and the one you will consult with so I think that approach leaves patients with the most informed decision. If the surgeon is not the one you are talking to then you should be very cautious on what a sales person is telling you the surgeon can do. Reputation is everything here.


    Feel free to message me if you have any questions as you do research.

  14. 3 weeks is not long enough to conceal much. I agree that a short buzz that does not reveal a scar is the best option. Continue to ice and keep the redness down. Also you could where a hat and go outside and purposely burn the rest of your face so that it all looks like a sunburn. Drastic, but an option I suppose.


    BTW looking at the pictures it looks like you had frontal work, not crown work. In the end I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have always treated HTs as one of those things that I wouldn't lie about if asked, but I wouldn't be one of those annoying guys who broadcast it to the heavens. Be discreet, but honest.

  15. ok so I am back.. i can't get over the receeding hairline i am having. I finally got off propecia because my x gf said my member wasn't has erect as it used to be.


    I have spoke to a couple drs in Florida and some say if i get this hairline fixed i could cause my original hairline damage and may even fall out due to shock loss??


    i just want my hairline back to when i was 25, strong with a mature look but dense.


    Does anyone recommend anyone i can talk to.


    Your hair will never be what it was when you were 25. A HT cannot accomplish that. Your expectations and knowledge of this topic seem to be something that scream a negative result. First and foremost, if you cannot take Propecia due to side effects or are not willing to take it because of fear of side effects then a HT is not something you should ever do, end of story.


    I am very skeptical of side effects from Propecia; however as they are way over estimated by patients who suffered from or would have likely suffered from erectile dysfunction regardless of the Propecia. Then of course they blame Propecia thinking it was the cause. As you will likely see, it was probably not the cause. Most reputable research will show this fact.


    If you are that concerned about finances then you should seriously think twice about moving forward with what is a very expensive journey for most. But again, if you are not a candidate for medication then you are NOT a candidate for a HT and any doctor that tells you otherwise should be publicly discredited.


    I feel the best option for you at this point is to embrace the hair loss and go with a buzz cut until you have the confidence to shave your head. It is not a bad look on most people. But until hair cloning or some other futuristic HT technique is mastered I do not see you being happy with the results, regardless of the surgeon.

  16. I have looked at most pictures Dr. Bernstein has ever put online and been very pleased. I can't say I have ever met a patient of his though. I think a conservative approach is the best way to go hands down. While he didn't invent FUT, his name is associated with the pioneers of the industry. However, the other surgeons you mentioned are very reputable as well. At your age a conservative approach would be the best move, in my humble opinion.


    Good luck, sounds like you are taking the right steps. If you choose not to proceed that is fine too, just make an informed decision.

  17. Is it possible to split all grafts into 1's or 2's so that there are no 3 or 4's transplanted? I ask because I think multiple hairs give too much of a pluggy look and I think singles look very natural. But I understand it may be a matter of what is harvested and maybe it can not be split. Any insight is appreciate.


    This question specifically pertains to FUTs where you cannot selectively pick individual hairs like in FUE.

  18. Looking at the immediate post op it looks like hairs were transplanted at a fairly even density throughout. What are your thoughts on using a higher density at the front of the hairline?


    This was a large area for 2500 grafts but if I was this guy I would be planning a 2nd HT to increase the density at the front. It looks on the low side to be honest.


    Rootz, I believe you are looking at the 4 month photos. I thought the same at first too, but if you look at the 15 month photos I think the density is spot on. With light completion and dark hair I think too much higher of a density would look irregular.

  19. even at 64 I would have gone more aggressive, but you seem pleased with the placement which is important

    who was your surgeon btw?


    I disagree here. I think the level of "aggression" with regards to the hairline is appropriate and responsible. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a doctor try to convince someone with such little hair that they can bring back a hairline and try for something other than what you received. I think it will be a good result.


    It's far better to start conservative and if you have more donor hair in the future and your loss has stopped either by medication or by luck then you can go more aggressive, but in this case it was done right.

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