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Posts posted by Musclebug

  1. Thanks, Wiz and ko. I think I'm secretly hoping my hairline has stabilised but I can't be sure. My Dad's hairline is very much like mine now. I don't know what my Grandfather's was like on my mothers side.


    I told my gf about finasteride and she said Id better march myself down to the sperm bank asap. Maybe not such a bad idea.


    This is really stressful. Two days ago I was getting my bank card out to book a ht.

  2. Thanks for the info guys. What are your thoughts on natural alternatives? Nettle Root Powder?


    My gf is hoping to start a family soon and obvs im going to be needed for that so that is another worry I have. I was all set to get booked up for a ht and now I'm second guessing myself. I've never taken any meds in the past.

  3. Thanks gram. I'm 33 and I very much just have a receding hairline. I have loads of hair on top and at the sides. I was on the verge of booking my ht but all this talk of meds and side effects is really making me think twice.


    I think I'm probably still receding but its quite hard to tell.

  4. Hi Guys,


    I'm very much thinking about booking my ht and wondered if it's absolutely necessary to take meds? What are all the side effects? I'm not a big drinker but do like to get smashed with my mates now and then and will this be effected if Im taking meds?


    How much does the average ht patient spend on meds a month?


    I'm a nw3 but have good density at the back and sides. 85/90/100.


    Really appreciate any help.

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