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Posts posted by arayan01

  1. hello All,


    PFA containing my pics.


    Presently i want to do hair transplant only ON CROWN AREA AS MENTIONED IN THE pics ALSO.

    If i want to mark the area it is 1 , 2 and 3 in the Pic.


    Can you please tell me how many Graft will be required for this AREA only with GOOD density coverage as i have already went with HAIR transplant with very bad results:mad::mad::mad::mad:




  2. Arayan-


    The Minoxidil should be a good start to at least address/halt the hair loss in your crown. As far as your other statement......I would agree that you should wait until August or September to judge the result. Maybe you're just getting some really late growth, but I must admit that it's not looking promising!


    As far as choosing your doctor......location should never be a factor in deciding......especially when it comes to something so critical as a hair restoration surgery. Unfortunately, a lot of surgeons use the internet/his or her website to attract people to come in for a restoration with them. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of overall physicians in the industry produce consistently excellent results!


    You seem like a really nice guy, and I'm sorry that it didn't work out so well for you with the first procedure. However, don't get discouraged. It is still very possible you'll get some extra growth....and if not, at least you only had 1,000 grafts done this time around......so you can use your remaining donor supply when you find a surgeon (preferably one recommended on this site) to perform your next procedure.






    thanks a lot for your reply and recommendations.

    ya i think this result is also because of hair shock loss also.


    so i am waiting for Aug/September to see little bit improvement hope for the best....!!.

  3. Sadly,the result (june)is disappointing.Also the hair is thinning out all over.Have you seen a trichologist/Dermatologist yet regarding your hair loss?If ,in case,you haven't started yet,you might be needing a strict hair regimen of Finasteride(finpecia/finax),Nizoral Shampoo(J&J),Minoxidil(Tugain 5%/Mintop forte/coverit),Dutasteride(Dutas),Biotin supplements(like follihair).



    The doctor might have transplanted very little no of grafts as per your wish,but looking at the 1/2/3 months' photos I admit I'm not a fan of the doc's work!The lightings are dim,but i dont think its ultra refined.Anyways if you plan on having an HT in the future,then go for 3000+ with a doctor with proven consistent results and dont hesitate to travel(within the country).And I dont think you need to wait 12-18 months before your surgery,but please dont rush into it.

    FYI,there are around 150 Indian docs registered with AHRS,India but only a handful can produce consistent resultsDo your research well.I wish you all the best




    Thanks a lot for your review and replies.

    reason for going 100- strands.

    1) i have sent my pictures of my hair at that time to all the doctors mentioned in the forum in India.

    they all informed/recommended me that it will be around 2500-3000 hair strands for over all coverage.

    so i went for 1000 in the frontal part as to check do things(Hair transplant) really work.

    2) Reason for choosing the doctor

    as it was located with in my city and from his website i think i got mis-judged .

    but i have regularly updated him of my result as he asked me to wait till august September to sees some effective results.


    i am applying,Minoxidil(Tugain 5%/Mintop forte/coverit) everyday.

    Can you please re-comned some medicines for the improvement.:(

  4. hello


    Please find my Pics before after surgery . i went hair transplant using through FUHT.

    My dr shaiil at satya hair transplantation clinic in delhi.

    i went for 1000 graft in my frontal position in the month of January 2013 mid.

    Please find my pics before, after surgery and after 1 , 2 and 3 months respectively.


    I don't know if the results are up to the expectation as every one says the proper results are visible after 8 -10 months .

    Please check it and do reply is the growth is OK.






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