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Posts posted by Jocoo

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies. If anyone else has any more information I would appreciate it. I will keep you guys posted with my decision.


    Taco-Thanks for the mention of Dr. Keller, I'll look into him.


    Michael-Thanks for the advice. I continue to find more reputable doctors on the forum nearby each day. I would prefer FUE but when it comes down to the price and the amount of grafts I would get I would most likely get the strip method done which I am fine with getting.


    Can't Decide- Thanks for the names. I already heard of Feller and True but wasn't aware of Wesley so will consider having a consultation with him as well..


    Levrais- I already called True&Dorin and would be able to get a consultation soon but didn't book one because of my work situation. I really just take a day off from work and try and schedule a consultation with True&Dorin and Wesley on the same day (in a perfect world) and see who I feel more comfortable with.


    KO- I have not taken Finasteride due to the side effects and am looking to stay away from it since I will be getting married soon and don't want to risk anything. I know it has good results but am not willing to risk it.


    Thanks again everyone

  2. Hi Everyone,


    Let me introduce myself since this is my first post on this forum. I am a 24 year old male from NJ and started losing my hair about 4 years ago but I'd say 40-50% of my loss happened with the past 6 months. I am getting married a year from now and I'm starting to panic that I might be bald for my wedding (which I would prefer not to be :)).


    I had a consultation last week with Bosley and scheduled an appointment for surgery next month with Dr. DiBiase for 2200 grafts (they recommended between 1600-2200 but I figured if I'm having the surgery I might as well get it all done). However, after doing some research on this forum I see that Bosley is not highly recommended. Therefore, I tried searching this forum and Google specifically for Dr. DiBiase but surprisingly not many results have come up. I would think a Doctor with 10 years experience and 6000+ hair transplants there would be a decent amount of reviews or stories but there aren't.


    Now I am hesitant to go through with the surgery with Bosley but I can't find any reputable doctors in NJ. I am fine with having the procedure done in NY but it is hard for me to get out to the city during the week since I work full-time. I contacted True & Dorin but was unable to get an appointment at a convenient time but I am thinking it would be worth it to get an appointment with them.


    My questions are:

    1. Has anyone heard of or had a procedure performed by Dr. DiBiase?

    2. What other doctors are around the NJ area?

    3. Should I go through with my surgery scheduled next month with Bosley, more specifically Dr. DiBiase?


    Thank you for reading my story and I appreciate any advice you may have!


    The three pictures below were taken during my consultation with Bosley last week and the other one was taken outside today.



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