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Posts posted by Glassdome

  1. I have only just looked at the photos of myself online and I want to thank all of those who have passed on positive comments trust me the real thing is even better than the photos. Just thought I would help clear up a few of the queries....


    Looks great.


    JoT - do you ask patients to dye their hair for post op photos or do they do it of their own accord?


    Hi there - happy with that comment if the result looks that great,.. Though it is all 100% natural. I have not dyed my hair, if you look closely you may see a couple of greys.


    To say I am delighted with the results of Dr Hasson's work would be a gross understatement. It is an awesome result and I am delighted with my HT - last week was my 12 month post op mark and I am still shocked each time I see my before and after photos. 5,400 grafts in one session.


    There is a reason why I went to Dr Hasson and I think my outcome is that reason. He is the best.


    You can probably tell from the pictures but I had lost a huge amount of hair and have very fine hair, the transplant and coverage exceeded my expectation and the biggest positive is how natural the result looks. I have had hair cuts where I have talked about my HT and shocked the barber - they could not tell at all that I had a procedure, even the scare is hard to trace unless I go to a grade 3 you can't tell.


    In terms of drug regime, nothing at all prior to the op (I did use regaine about 7 years ago but I did not like the feel - had quite a lot of tingling). Since the op I have been taking propecia.


    Friends who have not seen me for some time all react with a double-take and think that I have lost quite a few years off my age. The best experience is going swimming and having to brush my hair back when I get out of the water - plus my coverage is good enough that I don't get sunburnt.


    There is only one big negative I have had from my HT experience..... That I did not do it sooner.


    I will post more, but the results speak for themselves.

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