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Posts posted by JacquesBrian

  1. So I began Finasteride in April with high hopes. By mid-summer I was experiencing the typical shedding period that many endure. Also, since the 2 or 3 month mark, my "V" receding hairline has been digging in drastically (which hadn't been the problem from the start [it was the crown]) No changes to my crown, beneficial or not.


    Minox is not an option since I experienced a growth on my neck from a week's use.


    I am basically at a crossroads. I promised myself to give Finasteride a full year's go. I'm thinking of cutting short due to (mild) weight gain and further hair thinning in areas that weren't an issue upon starting the drug.


    My question is to open dialogue about the reversal of hairloss experienced while on the drug. At first I thought it was the initial shed, but it may be that FIN is just not for me. Is there a possibility that my V front hairline will fill in after quitting?


    Share experiences please. Thank you

  2. I guess you're right.


    When you first start on a regime, you can get carried away with superstitions and "should have's".


    It's just strange to see my receeding V going so quickly. Supposedly, these hairs are just shedding from their dormant phase and should come back?


    Bottom line is, I will stick this out for a full year. I am considering going from 1mg to .5. Is there any danger in that? I saw a chart showing that even at .5mg, the DHT inhibited is just about the same as 1mg

  3. First post here ya'lls. How ya doing?


    So basically, I started generic Fin about 5 weeks ago, with plenty of research on the infamous INITIAL SHED. That's fine, I'm being as patient as I can be. My concern here has another leg to it - When I started Propecia, I also began a 5% minoxidil with it. After about two weeks of a very irritating reaction to the minoxidil (and a swollen gland), I decided to stop the minoxidil and continue Propecia by itself.


    About the same time I stopped the Minox (2 week mark), I noticed a slight increase of shedding, which I understand is a normal side from Propecia. My worry is that I did this to myself or *poisoned* my scalp in those 2 weeks from the minox, and now the hairs may not come back. I guess at this point, it shouldn't matter, because I am going to stick with propecia no matter what, for at least 12 months.


    If someone could shed some light on this, it'd really calm me down. Did I destroy hair follicles by starting Minox and stopping after 2 weeks? Or is it just a typical onset Propecia shed? I don't want to blame myself, which is stupid. The only wild card is that I've noticed shedding in my V shape hairline, which wasn't bad from the beginning. I was aiming more for the vertex.


    Anyway. Any words are much appreciated. Thanks for reading!



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