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Posts posted by wanabelumberjack

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Most of what I've heard of Dr. Epstine has been negative.

    I am somewhat concerned that any doctor interested in cultivating a reputation for facial hair transplant is going to be competing for a fringe business, and it will thus attract less skilled individuals. Not to immune the practitioners, as I'm very interested in its efficacy, but this is one of my nagging thoughts.

  2. Hi,

    I wonder if anybody out there is in a similar place as me, or has gone through a HT to get a beard. Maybe you have some advice.


    I'm a 30 year old guy who has great head hair that is here to stay, but has always felt unmanly because of my total lack of body, and near lack of facial hair. I'd gladly trade my NW1 hair for a thick beard. The grass is always greener.


    I can grow a passable mustache, but its by no means thick, and my neck grows some as well (where anybody with a beard shaves anyway) but my cheeks and sideburns are as smooth as before puberty.


    I've been looking into to hair transplant as an option, but I have so many questions.

    I'm scared, because I like my face. Even if I'd like it better with a beard... is it worth the risk?

    I'll just list some of my questions here and see if anybody has any answers.


    Can HT be used to make a full beard from almost not? I don't really want a goatee.

    I've found some video and before and after pics, but mostly of guys with nice beards anyway who got little spots filled in.

    Many of the pics from people who started with very weak facial hair (like mine) show after pics with just a little growth, that looks like it could become a beard, but hasn't been grown out.

    Is this because a ht from scalp to face will never look like a full beard?

    I'd hate to spend so much just to make myself shave more regularly, without gaining the ability to grow out a beard.


    What sort of refinements and specialties are there to doing this procedure on the face. Will the angling of the hair and careful selection of follicles lead to a more realistic beard appearance? Are there doctors who specialize in procedures like this? What sort of skill set should I look for in a doctor?


    I've seen several videos of Dr Diep advertiseing himself as an expert.(and he practices near me)

    Is he a good choice? (most of the videos only show before the procedure and drawn in expectations) And his web sight (like most HT doctors) is awfully unprofessional.


    I've also seen Dr. Epstein spoken of as an expert in this area, but he has a rather poor reputation on these forums.


    Most of all, am I crazy to want this so much? Should I just get over it and be happy with the hair I am blessed with?


    Sorry about the long posts and thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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