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Posts posted by chanar05

  1. I am still waiting for reply from Dr.Radha. The primary reason for me thinking of surgery is marriage. I don't think most of the girls would love to marry a bald man though he earns good. I m nearing 30 and not sure if I wld be able to find a girl who accept my hair loss. Otherwise I have a great physique from regular workout and can easily try to pull out a look of Jason Stathan or Vin Diesel.:):)

  2. First of all try to get a better assessment of your Norwood hair loss level. From your pics it is hard to determine. My guess would be you are either NW5 or NW6. Post better pictures for assessing the extent of hair loss. There are 5 views required: front, left side, right side, top and behind. From these the quality of your donor can be assessed as well. Whether you are a good candidate or not completely depends on your available donor vs the amount of area required to cover.

    Try Finasteride and see whether you can tolerate it. There could be sides like ED, depression and brain fog. Try for at least 6 months. If you do not have any problem that is a good news and you may proceed with HT for further better results. If you cannot tolerate it then you should be more cautious.

    Do not jump on to HT. I did that mistake thinking everything will be great and got my HT done in Hyderabad. It is the worst mistake of my life.

    I would recommend Dr. Radha over Dr. Madhu. All Madhu does is put some hair in the front. I have not seen any cases where he did a second surgery for the crown. Get a better opinion of your expected results by visiting Dr. Radha.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I bought Dr.Reddy's Finax 1 mg and started taking from yesterday. ll check if have any side effects (hopefully not) and update back.

  3. I understand you my friend. It is one of the worst feelings a man can go through. I am kinda in the same boat as you and that feeling pushed me to have a FUT procedure done just the other week. Now, I must wait and pray that I get a good result. Will all of my hard earned money be wasted or the fate of my confidence be glorified? Time will tell... I honestly think that you can get your hair back with a large HT and the use of minox and fina daily. You mentioned "on and off" of minox. If you want to benefit from minox you have to dedicate for life because if you don't use it, you lose it.


    I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.


    Thanks buddy !!! I wish u to have ur hair back as you expected :) good luck

  4. You NEED to take finasteride if you're going to have surgery. It will help you keep your hair. Do not worry about other medications, just take 1mg daily. Dr Madhu is wrong 2300 grafts is nothing, you will need more than 4000 grafts to have a worthwhile result.


    I think you can have a procedure, but it will have to be more than one to give you good coverage. I would consult Dr Radha in India. If you're willing to fly out of India, then there are also other good surgeons worldwide.



    Thanks....I sent a mail to Dr Radha just now. Also No need for Minoxidil if I take 1mg finasteride daily ?

  5. I see tons of good results from Dr.Madhu but a hair transplant is a serious procedure and can have some pretty devastating impacts on your life so do your home work and know what you're getting into. That is a choice you have to make for yourself. Since you're asking for opinions i'll give you mine but don't go off what I say.


    Going off the results I've seen of others. It looks like you would need to have a couple procedures to be "happy" and get on minox and prop for the rest of your life. If money is not a issue, and your hairloss bothers you like mine does me then go for it.


    I would at least try the buzzed look for a couple months to see if you can deal with it because at the end of the day even though these HT docs have some of the most advanced technique, there are still sub par results seen often that might, or might not be the surgeons fault. It seems some people just do not respond well to the procedure. So there's still a large risk having it done IMO.


    Good luck in whatever you choose and I hope the best for you. I would def give that head a shave and go from there!


    Thanks Raymond. you are true. I need to take a firm decision however my mind keep on changing. One day I feel like I can live without hair and the other day when someone brings talk on hair my confidence gets affected.

  6. Hello, I am 28 yrs old from India. Its been long time since I thought of having hair transplant but never made up my mind. Right now I can afford to have one but not sure if its effective considering I lost most of my hair all over the scalp. I never tried Finax and been On & Off of Minoxidil. I consulted Apollo Hospitals in Chennai and got informed that around 1800 grafts can be placed at one time. I send my pics to Dr. Mathu Pathuri and he suggested around 2600 grafts can be placed to cover 1/3 rd of my front. However I am still not sure if I am a right candidate for procedure or just buzz my head and accept the fate. Please advice.




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