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Posts posted by JayJay13

  1. I feel your pain nothing worse than losing it young why cant it just start in our 50's or something im 27 I to started at 21 I always had comments on how thick my hair was. when I turned 22 I shaved my head and that's when I noticed I was thinning as the hair around my crown was thicker than the crown so it was only visible when I actually shaved it I wish id started propecia then because the sooner the better really im going to buy a pill cutter and start buying proscar to save money that way I can get a years supply for ?60 and a bottle of revita the 925ml for ?55 so for ?115 a year to save my hair is well worth it im hoping to start seeing some serious thickening soon if not at least I didn't give up just stay healthy build some muscle look after your teeth and maybe they'll find a cure for us before its to late

  2. revita warns of shedding so if you use a hairloss product that works you should expect to shed the weakened hair in order for the follicle to generate stronger hair. propecia minoxidil revita etc you just have to ride it out for a while. all these medications tell you to expect shedding so don't act surprised when you do thse hairs would have shed anyway

  3. ive been taking it for 4 months now and I have had no side effects what id say is to try propecia as it is one of the only approved hairloss medications that does actually work and to take it day to day if you notice any side effects just stop taking it immediately and try something else. I seem to be getting more muscular since ive taken it whether that's due to a 10% rise in testosterone levels im not sure but that's what im seeing and also my erections are more firm. revita is definitely a great shampoo I used to use revivogen and when I rub my hair id notice a lot of dandruff since revita that has ceased and also propecia has thickened my hair around my crown and im sure my crown is starting to fill in now

  4. Hi Brad I have not long started revita I have been using it for the past 4 weeks and my hair feels and definitely looks thicker even if ur hair starts to thin take it as a good sign especially in the first 4 months of using it as the smaller hairs are shedding in oreder for the follicle to regenerate and increase in size in order to produce thicker hair I also been taking propecia for the past 3 n half months and I think its working to

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