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Posts posted by leogarrison

  1. Once again I give you a D for effect and an F for execution. In other words your agenda failed.


    My "agenda" is to clear up confusion, both for myself and other people considering surgery.


    Spex has 1) admitted he was wrong about FUE pricing 2) decided he won't offer his opinion about FUE/ FUT anymore and 3) said he'd back away from the forums.


    If that isn't defeat, then tell me what is.

  2. I think the reason why Spex changed a bit is mind concerning Fue is simply that he met with Dr Feriduni and saw the great result that were achieved with larger Fue nowadays.



    An impartial consultant doesn't need to physically visit a doctor to be open to FUE. The problem for Spex always was his association with Dr Feller who only performed mega session FUT. FUE became a threat so Spex expanded his empire and updated his opinion, hoping no one would notice. It's really quite simple, but you can think he's a saint if you wish.


    Regardless, I am sure Dr Feriduni will do a great job on you!


    Where do you live? We can meet up and have a chat about it.


    Chrisdav, good job avoiding all valid questions that you can't answer because you know I'm right.


    No idea why you would defend Spex, when he's now giving out different 2013 advice to the 2012 advice he gave you. He's cleverly pretending that it's because he's now "warmer" to larger FUE sessions. In fact, he's actually "warmer" to being on yet another payroll. It's a shame Dr Feriduni's good reputation is being soured by this, though I'm not sorry I exposed him.


    Spex's response to all of this? Abandon forums and stop giving out any opinions. But what function does a consultant serve without an opinion? A salesman? If the shoe fits, Spex.

  4. By the way i am booked with dr Feriduni for a fue at the end of September and one of the reasons why i chose him rather than other docs is because i read that Spex was involved with Dr Feriduni and i had no question anymore regarding the quality of the surgeons as i knew that Spex would only choose ethical and highly skilled doc to represent them.


    I think you made a great choice! However, I think Dr Feriduni's reputation is spoiled by associating with someone who confesses the need to "evolve" in order to serve his new business interests.


    Surely the coincidence of 1) Spex changing his mind about FUE and 2) representing Dr Feriduni, is not lost on anyone and it's amazing to me how many of you falling for the salesman patter.


    I'm still shopping around, considering Dr Bisanga.

  5. Chrisdav, I know you like to think you have a friendship with Spex, but let's face it, your relationship is principally the result of a business transaction, and guess who got paid?


    He is to you, like a counselor is to their patient. Professional counselors do not befriend their patients, and they generally don't need their patients to spend time on forums preserving their perceived integrity.


    I think it's best to separate Spex's advice into two time periods:


    BF: Before Feriduni: FUT only, FUE above 1000 grafts is unethical and produces poor results

    AF: After Feriduni: FUT and FUE is now suddenly fine!


    Doesn't it bother you that if you approached Spex now, you'd be given Spex's new spiel with regard to FUE? You had what, 1900 grafts? Ask Spex now if he'd give you his new updated advice, relevant as of January 2013 when he signed up with Dr Feriduni.

  6. Can you prove that his initial diagnosis was to ship you off to the US? From what I've read his first mention of a doc is Feriduni.


    He mentions Dr Feriduni in response to my fears about the FUT scar, but as I keep saying the tone of the emails was pushing me to go to America because of the higher yield and lower price of FUT. The latter point I successfully debunked, and the former is up for debate. I can post the emails in full if necessary, rather than selecting bits as Spex has done.


    If you are referring to Feriduni, then you are incorrect. His FUE prices are NOT the same as his FUT prices. Unless of course things have changed since I visited the clinic 2 weeks ago.


    FUT with Dr Feller is roughly the same as FUE with Dr Feriduni. Here arises the conflict of interests. Apparently it was news to Spex that the prices were about equal. :rolleyes:


    What has that got to do with your thread topic?


    Spex has defended himself by saying he's not in it for the money. $47 ebooks suggests otherwise, does it not? I'd love to see a break down of his earnings from all of the respective doctors and people he works for, as well as ebooks, affiliate links to drugs, hair loss topicals, shampoos, and whatever else. But remember, in his words: "This isn’t about the money for me, despite that being a projection onto me. I do this primarily for the cause to give patients another way."


    Leo has however manipulated what i said and this begs the question why ? I never mentioned Dr Feller until further emails from him asking my opinion on who i feel he should go to for FUT given his goals.




    Spex, your whole tone was pushing FUT and suggested FUE as a mere after-thought.


    For example, you said:


    "Given the number of grafts you need I'd say strip could well be best way to roll however I understand your concerns but when done right scars are a non issue."


    I'm a 30 year old guy who lives in Europe, and you seriously think it best that I travel to America for strip surgery, when FUE is available at a competitive price on my doorstep?


    As for FUE being regarded "generally more expensive" by the rest of the industry, not just you. You must have pretty low confidence in your opinion if you're comparing it with the rest of the industry - an industry you usually malign.


    I think if you represent a doctor who does FUE for the same price as FUT, then you should be clear about that to anyone who asks. If you don't, then you can't cry foul when people "defame" you, by suggesting something else is at play. I mean, what other other reason do you have for shipping guys off for FUT? Go on, tell me it's the yield!


    How's your $47 ebooks selling btw?

  8. Hi,


    I am a 30yo guy from England, looking into getting surgery later this year to address frontal hair loss. I was told by a well known consultant on these forums to go for FUT surgery with Dr Feller, as FUE is "more expensive" and "unpredictable even in the best of hands".


    However, I have seen quite a few cases where FUE has achieved a great result in cases like mine. I was told by Dr Feriduni I needed about 2400-2600 units.


    I'd like some feedback as to whether I was advised correctly as I'm having a hard time deciding between the two techniques and I don't know who I can trust anymore. I have noticed questions have been asked about Dr Feriduni's consultant's integrity and financial motivations, so I'd particularly appreciate feedback from people who don't work in the industry.


    Dr Feriduni seems legit and a good doctor, but I can't get my head around the confusion on this topic that has been caused by his rep. :confused:

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