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Posts posted by nfdfiremedic

  1. Well said Sam Spade!


    nfdFireMedic: You may want to strongly consider doing the shaving thing, which is universally accepted nowadays, right? How's your downer density? Looks like you'd need a few surgeries and a very large amount of grafts to really getbthe HTs done "right" --- thats a lot of time and money. Plus having to concern yourself with deco operating from the surgery etc. You have a great head and face shape which would compliment a shaved head --- plus looks like you have decent skin tone so just go tanning 1x a week or so (I feel like shaved head look just works better when you have a bit of a tan). I think your feel LIBERATED not having to work about hiding ANYTHING :) Just one man's opinion ...


    Yeah, this is pretty much the conclusion I ended up drawing. Buzzed it off, and I actually feel better.



  2. My name is Jon Davidman and I own a company called KeraFiber.com We are a hair product company who markets our own hair concealers. I read your post and looked at your photos. You and I have similar hair. The issue you and I have is applying hair concealer to the front of the head while making it looks natural. What I personally do is put the fibers in from back to front and in the way up front I do not add the fibers. If you have fibers too far up front it will look like you have concealer in (with your type of hair). If anyone tells you differently they are lying. But you do have enough hair to conceal the top and back of your hair and for your hair to look full. As you mentioned there are other products such as Toppik. I created KeraFiber because other brands such as Toppik, although did what they promised, just didn't look 100% on my head. So I created KeraFiber with ingredients and thinner fibers so it would look more natural on my hair. If you or anyone tries KeraFiber and are not 100% satisfied you can return it for 100% money back. We want you to look and feel good and if you don't all you have to do is return the product. I wish you luck and hope I helped answer your question


    I actually agree completely with your observation. I purchased both Dermmatch and Toppik, and I think the results look awesome except for the very front. That's been a struggle for me. I tend to find that the Dermmatch gets all over everything when it's freshly applied too (pillow cases, couch cushions, etc.) I wear a white lab coat at work and this is a constant worry of mine. I will take a look at your product, thanks for the link.

  3. I would definitely love to be able to go with HT, but I work full time and am also in school full time finishing my doctorate. It'll be a few years yet before I am able to generate any extra income :(


    My next big concern with concealers is that I will leave work somewhat bald one day and show up with a full head of hair the next. It seems rather conspicuous. Any thoughts on that issue, and perhaps some ideas for dealing with it?

  4. Hello,


    I am a 29 year old that has experienced progressive hair thinning for the past 10 years. This has really taken a major toll on my self confidence, and I am hoping to learn about some options. Unfortunately, HT is not an option for me at the moment due to financial reasons.


    About two years ago, I used Toppik. I had much longer hair at the time, but as I recall it worked reasonably well. I made a stupid decision one day, that has had continued repercussions for me now. I decided to see what I would look like if I shaved my head. It was not awful, but I was happier with the normal-ish hair and toppik. The problem is, I painted myself into a corner of having to keep shaving my head every few days because the hair was coming back in so thin. I was afraid to let it grow long enough to start using Toppik again because it looked so terrible during the first days and weeks growth and I didn't think I could use any concealers during this phase for fear of obvious detection.


    This is what I look like today. I last shaved my head about two and a half weeks ago.






    I hate being seen this way, and have essentially not left my house without a hat on except to go to work. Even then, I close myself away in my office and conduct meetings over the phone to avoid social situations. I look much more youthful when I buzz it down with a #0, but I'm hoping to get enough hair that I can use concealers and try to restore a semi-normal look more consistent with my age.


    I have been looking at Toppik and Dermmatch. Would either product help me at this point? I have never had any kind of medical evaluation or treatment. I know that's something I should consider, but I really don't want to get the "used car salesman" routine from a HT surgeon that will try to convince me to finance a surgery or something. If I had the money I would do it in a heartbeat, but I have enough loans and credit card payments as it is and can't handle another one.




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