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Posts posted by Maddock

  1. I know it's permanent, but it fades after 3 or 4 years, or so I've been told.


    I'd like to see what it looks like. I mean, eventually I'll get older, I'll have white hair, might even do a clean shave, which might not be possible because of smp? Which means I'll be enslaved by a company to keep poking dots on my head my whole life every four or five years?


    The word "permanent" scares me a bit.

  2. I use to have beautiful hairline, straight beautiful hair and I never ever imagined myself going bald.


    At 18 I was struck down by some unknown (at the time) illness that made me lose over 30 pounds over the course of a couple of weeks. I had pain in my innards every day, shedding hair by the handful on the crown area and I really thought I was dying. I developed anxiety, depression, panic attacks, thought about death every day, wondered if I would be alive to see next-year movies or to see my nephews grow up, was weighing 127 pounds. Doctors could not find out what was wrong with me. My mind was living hell, I've suffered enough in 5 years for a life time. Yes, I went through every possible exam you could ever write down. After 5 years of going to the doctors, going through exams and doing internet search, I came to the conclusion I had Coeliac disease, wrote down why I thought I had it and took it to the doctor, he agreed and did an exam which proved I was right. Basically all I had to do was change my diet due to allergy, I went from 127 pounds to 160 pounds.


    So, the period through which I suffered from 18 to 23 yrs old I shed a lot of hair. specially on the crown region where I would groom the most. I'm 26 going 27 now and my hairloss has been frozen in time since I started shaving my hair to see the progression at 23. It looks virtually the same, my hair dresser agrees. If it's still shedding it's at an abnormally slow speed.


    I'm so young and yet I feel like 70 years old due to the emotional trauma I went to.


    I really don't like the way I look bald, or shaven for that matter, but I just hate to have my hair grown out because I despise my hair loss so much. I could seduce a girl easily when I had hair, now that I don't I have to struggle real bad, and rarely succeeding, even lowering my standards.


    I never really did any treatment except for a month of minoxidil and a month of propecia (which I stopped because I had more urgent things to worry about, such as what I thought was death and all).


    I'm looking into SMP (scalp micropigmentation). It's totally something I could afford, though I haven't seen the prices for any other procedure I'm pretty sure it's going to be expensive as hell and I'm not really rich at all. Plus, I imagine that with SMP I could grow my hair without having to worry about showing my scalp a lot.


    What would you guys recommend me?






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