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Posts posted by WDG

  1. Sorry but i don't have a camera. But i'll use your photo to show how it is. If there is any problem just tell me. The first shed area is 2cm x 0.7cm the second is just starting still have some hair in it. The first area is completely bald now and all the hair falled down in just 4 days.

    The black spot is the transplanted area. And the white spot is the shedding area.



  2. Hey guys! I'm a 23 years old guy and i'm from brazil. Well this year my baldness really started to bother me so i decided to make a hair transplant. Ok i transplanted 2.209 Fu, 4344 hairs. The density in my recipient area is 53 fu cm2. I think is a pretty good density what you guys think?

    My question is: I am only 12 days after the cirurgi and most of my hair is shedding. I think i might have loose 60 - 70% of the transplant yet. Is it normal??? Other think is that i'm almost all healed. There is no more redness, nothing.

    Please let me know if this is normal.


    Ty all

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