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Posts posted by Peterbark666

  1. Thanks Matt and Michael.


    Michael. I am in Sydney Australia. Do u have a consultant here. I do not want to go down the path of hair transplant however would be willing to have a chat to him or her. I can surely say that I have shed a phenominal amount.of.hair.on the foam.but.didn't shed on the liquid. My greatest.fear.as.that this hair won't.grow.back as it was.healthy thick hair before..



    Hopefully u can.see.the attachment.


  2. C’mon guys I know I’m new to the site but I’m really hoping for some feedback. I have found that my temples have lost a lot of ground and my crown and vertex areas (which were dark and not to bad are now virtually patchy and thinned out). I’m going to see a doctor about this next week but just want to know if others have experienced a shed like this so close to four months into treatment. The immediate front part of my hair is thick with temples thinning and only regrowing this peach fuzz.

    Yes I was thinning out a tiny bit but Rogaine foam has stripped so much hair from me I feel like it is now blatantly obvious and as I’m sure you guys all understand it is effecting my self-confidence which then starts to impact other areas of my life such as relationships and professional life. I’m actually hoping for some positive news here like some happy endings people who went through this and came out the other end by sticking with it and these peach fuzz hairs thickening up and going darker in pigmentation.

    The mixed messages in the world of hairloss treatments is so frustrating. I find I have spent hours looking up the same questions only to get different answers from everyone.

  3. Hi everyone,

    This is my first post here and I am hoping for some encouraging feedback however I would like honesty too.

    I have receding hair line and bit of thinning on top and started Rogaine foam in December. I experienced a horrendous shed in January and was very depressed. Fortunately this hair grew back about a month or two later and is now thicker than what it was prior to treatment. Only in the past 2 weeks (3.5 -4 months after starting initial treatment) I recently had my first haircut since treatment started and I have found that my right temple is now thinning like crazy. There does seem to be new hair growing but it is blonde in colour, very thin and weak looking and almost transparent. I am a Norwood 2-3 and it’s weird that this is only occurring on one side of my temple.

    1) Will this be like other sheds and I just need to ride it out?

    2) Do these blonde hairs become thicker (the hair that shed was certainly thicker and more dense then what I have now)?

    3) Would you recommend dying this light coloured hair to make it look more thick.

    I’m still going to keep up treatment as I’m t0o scared to leave it and experience a mass shed but hoping you guys can offer advice on this.

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