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Posts posted by nyhairloss

  1. Dr Lorenzo best doc for high norwoods, I don't mind his hairlines, arguably the best HT surgeon on the world, don't think I've ever seen a bad result from him, not one.


    Dr Feriduni, I do like his hairlines and temple point work (I had 3500 FUE with him last month), his FUE results overall are good, but perhaps not as many wow results ad Lorenzo. You should note his techs do the extraction and implantation. He is the most aggressive of the docs in your list, agree with others that he is a YOLO kind of doc.


    Bisanga seems to be a good all rounder, lots of solid, nice results. From a personal point of view though his results have never wowed me and his hairlines are probably a notch down from Feriduni's.


    Reddy's hair to graft ratio is the best of all these docs. He achieves really good results with half the number of grafts that other docs (such as Erdogan) use. He is a fantastic choice of doc for getting the most bang for your buck in terms of grafts. His hairlines though don't wow me.


    BTW just curious with the above anaysis you went with Dr. Ferudini? I'd gather from the review he'd have been #3 for you. That said how was the experience and are you happy with the hairline?


  2. I would consider Dr. Lorenzo as well, his cost seems similar to Dr. Reddy. I'm looking for someone who can create an excellent hairline and supporting midline, will do some temple point work, is fairly aggressive, and can get a good hair to follicle yield. For instance in analyzing Dr. Reddy vs Dr. Feriduni FUE Dr. Reddy goes for/gets 2.7 hairs per FU vs 1.7 for Dr. Ferudini. This could be attributed to either skill or choice or a combination of both, but Dr. Reddy clearly has a philosophy of using less FUs and more hairs and, according to his rep here, still maintains 2.2+ hair to fu ratio on the remaining donor area. This is not insignificant; a 2500 FUE that results in 6750 instead of 4250 results in a 50% greater density in the transplanted region.

  3. I think he's decent but not a lot of higher NW cases out there which IMO is the real mark of a great surgeon.


    I think that even in HT there is room for specialization. One Dr. might be great at repair, another at hairline, another at NW6-7, another at crown. I'm not saying they aren't all part of the same surgical specialty, but it makes sense some would be better than others at sub specialties/skills. Dr. Reddy seems to be to be excellent at getting good/dense hairlines with relatively small amounts of FUEs. Also he does have one posted that he did on 54 year old with pretty advanced balding that was impressive.

  4. I think he's decent but not a lot of higher NW cases out there which IMO is the real mark of a great surgeon.


    I think that even in HT there is room for specialization. One Dr. might be great at repair, another at hairline, another at NW6-7, another at crown. I'm not saying they aren't all part of the same surgical specialty, but it makes sense some would be better than others at sub specialties/skills. Dr. Reddy seems to be to be excellent at getting good/dense hairlines with relatively small amounts of FUEs. Also he does have one posted that he did on 54 year old with pretty advanced balding that was impressive.

  5. I was in fact not so interested in FUE until I saw not only Dr. Reddy's results but his hair yield per graft based on his cherry picking and the density he gets as a result with relatively low # of grafts. I was originally scheduled for a FUT with Dr. Rahal but had to cancel due to family matter and now with a little more time to consider am thinking that a 2500 no scar FUE might yield more or less the same amount of hairs as a 4k FUT would without a scar and leaving me more donor for a second ht. Though I have diffuse crown thinning as well, I am leaving that to a year of Finasteride (just started) and going to go for a good hairline and it looks to me like Dr. Reddy can do a lot with say 2500 FUE there.


    I've subsequently looked into Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Feriduni and Dr. Shapiro but none (to my eye) have as nice hairlines and none seem to get the same hair yield per graft that Dr. Reddy does.

  6. Not kncking the results at all but you can see that there is thinning behind the strong fromt. But the overll impression is great, so at worst what you have is someone who in every day life has a great hairline framing their face, and perhaps with harsh lighting or swimming it doesnb't look quite as good. But with 1200 graft? Heck he could do a second and STILL only have 2400 up front an it would be awesome. And, no scar

  7. I am scheduled for a 4k HT on January 28th with Dr. Rahal. I am trying to to everything I can before, during, after to make this a successful HT. I was considering purchase of an 'iGrow', a Low Level Laser Therapy cap you can wear to administer LLT. I know I'd never keep up with a laser brush and this gives you continuous coverage for 1/2 hour while you sit and watch tv/read/etc.


    Is there any evidence that LLT will help healing/growth of the donor or recipient areas?


    Could it in fact be counterproductive?


    Any thoughts appreciated.

  8. I can't speak to any of the more technical sides of your questions yet I too am scheduled with Dr. Rahal for an HT (4k) and declined to go FUE as well. I also saw a couple not so good results of his on FUE but naturally it is impossible to make any real correlation there. Yet my overall impression from my research on this board and reading dozens (if not hundreds) of ht blogs is that FUE is not as reliable and does not yield as dense results. FUT seems to return much more reliable results. This could be an erroneous analysis on my part yet given that it is almost 2x as expensive and how bad a bad transplant can be, I opted to go FUT. Dr. Raha's consultants seem to be conservative if anything with their promises so I'd take his consultant at his word, yet still I'm wiling to go the strip scar route.

  9. Just my 02 on getting money back in exchange for not saying anything; I get it is your hard earned money but the tacit agreement you made was to get your money back in exchange for allowing the Doctor to attract new patients who will not have access to the much needed information about the quality of his wor. In other words each new patient who goes in to get butchered will do so because you agreed to not let them know you were butchered, in exchange for the refund of your money. I feel for you getting a bad transplant and losing the money, but I feel you should (regardless of your financial circumstances) not agree to refund and allow the rest of us to spend our money and risk our appearances for life. Think about it; maybe a bunch of patients when to this Dr. before you and got butchered or bad results (not saying they did!) and they were paid to not say anything ever (not saying that happened) and then you went to the same Dr. not knowing about his bad history because of their agreement to stay silent in exchange for money. From what I get from this thread is that had this Dr. agreed to refund your money (vs doing a new free HT) this thread would not exist either and someone else would have blindly (or worse based only on good reviews) paid good money for a possibly bad result? What does that say about that kind of agreement? just my 02.

  10. I know you aren't supposed to do any strenuous exercise for a month after FUT, but given I have also started to get back in shape, I am a little concerned about what I can realistically expect to be able to do exercise wise after a month to continue my return to shape (was 50+, down to 25+). I'm not much of a weights guy but like to do Crossfit, Boxing (not sparring, bags/mitts), maybe Pilates, boot camp classes, etc. Will I be able to return to this regimen after say 6 weeks?

  11. Thank you! Quite nervous as you might expect. Fortunately I can work from anywhere so am taking an entire month at the guesthouse so I can avoid any unwanted attention/questions back home. I'm hoping/assuming in 4 weeks I can look somewhat normal, and with a hat much of the time in NY in March no one will ever guess. I see the amazing work Dr. Rahal has done with 4k grafts on people whose balding seems more progressed than mine so am very eager to see what he can do. I have the 'advantage' of being 51 so can possibly be more aggressive too.

  12. Well after semi-seriously considering an HT for several years, I decided after an appointment opened up with Dr. Rahal in January to finally do something about my hairloss.


    Dr. Rahal has me diagnosed as a NW 4 and is recommending 3900 grafts to rebuild my hairline and behind and to leave the thinning crown for now. I'm slowly compiling a list of similar grafts/starting points of hts I like to try to zero in on my desired result.


    Though I wouldn't mind lowering from my lowest point right now, my bottom line goal is to build a nice natural hairline to get rid of the recession and maybe rebuild some temple to frame my face better.


    I'll upload picturees here later of where I am now and where I was and where I hope to be.


    Since I'm only 4 weeks out, in addition to the scalp exerciuses I've hired a massage therapist to do hour long scalp masasages 2-3x a week, incorporating some of the scalp laxitiy exercises including neck/head to just get my head/scalp in good overall condition for the HT.


    Thanks to everyone on this board who has posted over the years and helped me to make this decusion and lead me to Dr. Rahal.

  13. Several years back I had considered ht, at that time Dr. Armani was the 'it guy' but it seems as if he is not anymore. But he did seem to do great hairlines and temple reconstruction.


    After reviewing a bunch of the 'recommended surgeons' and some posts here I seem to be leaning towards 3;


    1) Dr. Hasson

    2) Dr. Rasman

    3) Dr. Rahal


    Clearly from the samples I've seen I'm in the 4000+ range.


    Any insights appreciated.





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