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Posts posted by TheHairMan

  1. Here is an update:


    Earlier this year I went back and got an additional 1,650 grafts


    25% 1 hair grafts

    50% 2 hair grafts

    25% 3 hair grafts


    It is looking pretty good dry. When it is wet it looks kinda bad, but I have a feeling there is not a whole lot I can do about that (unless I keep getting huge amounts of grafts put in)


    The only other issue I have so far is the scar. I may have done it to myself. I didn't have any visible scar after the first surgery, so after I had the second one I felt like I could go back to excersising after 5-6 days. I am not sure if that contributed to the large scar. I did notice that when I returned to the clinic after two weeks to have the stitches removed that 75% of the stitches had popped out. Anyone else have any other theories?


    I am wondering if I should try to have the scar surgically removed and stick with FUE from now on. Any suggestions?









  2. Hello all,


    I got a FUT transplant done roughly 7 months ago and I am starting to freak out that it is not as dense as I would hope. I realize I should wait a full 12 months before I can make a full judgement call on it, however I wanted to get some of your opinions.


    I started losing hair around 18 years old (25 now) and it has been a slow progression until this year where it starting to thin at a more rapid pace.


    I got:


    1207 FU

    474 MFU

    Totaling: 5500


    The 5500 are covering the whole head (excluding the crown)


    Gauging by the pics is this something i should worry about. It is awfully thin at the moment and I really hope it thickens up to at least twice the density it is now.


    I have included 5 photos:


    Pre op front and top

    Wet hair combed forward

    Dry hair combed back taken from the front

    Dry hair combed back taken from the top


    Thank you for your help!






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