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Posts posted by phillyhairseeker

  1. Originally posted by mil:
    Originally posted by Fabe:

    I need info on Pistone

    so do I because I'm considering going to him


    I had a procedure done a couple of years ago by Dr. Pistone. He's a caring person who seems to have a lot of experience and knowledge regarding hair loss and restoration. However, I was somewhat disappointed with the results of my hair transplant. While my new hairline complements the shape of my face and the growth direction is consistent with my existing hair, I think the follicular units were placed too far apart. This has given me an unnatural look, especially when out in the sunlight because my scalp shows through making each hair appear course and sparse.


    Prior to the day of my surgery, Dr. Pistone's consultant examined my donor area and told me I had more than enough hair to cover my receeding hairline. He said I may need more than one procedure because of continued hairloss, but not for lack of density. I shared my concerns with Dr. Pistone a year after my surgery and then he told me that because I have dark brown hair, it's going to appear less dense than a person with blond hair and I would need an additional procedure to have the density I desire. I thought this information would have came in handy a long time ago.


    I recently met with another experienced surgeon who told me that Dr. Pistone's use of staples is an outdated method resulting in a wider scar and that silk sutures are the only means that should be used to close the donor wound. To this day, I can still feel the scar with my fingers despite the trichophytic closure. I experienced the same itching as the person mentioned earlier and the peroxide solution was prescribed for me as well.


    Another thing I found strange is all the foreign assistants he had working with him on the day of my procedure. I'm not a racist by any means and perhaps they were just interns. But it's a little unnerving to come in expecting Dr. Pistone and two American women and instead finding a room full of Mexicans or Filipinos with foreign accents. There's no way I can tell who did my procedure with a scenario like that and I should have just walked right out the door before they even started.


    One more thing I would like to mention is that Dr. Pistone likes to put single stray hairs below the hairline in random places because he feels it looks natural. While some people do exhibit this trait, I personally felt it looked odd on me. Be sure to consider this when making your decision.

  2. Originally posted by chan2009:

    Has anyone got experience on Gregory Pistone


    I had a procedure done by Dr. Pistone a couple of years ago. He seems like a caring person, but I was somewhat disappointed with the results of my hair transplant. While my new hairline complements the shape of my face and the growth direction is consistent with my existing hair, the follicular units were placed too far apart. This has given me an unnatural look, especially when out in the sunlight because my scalp shows through making each hair appear course and sparse.


    Prior to the day of my surgery, Dr. Pistone's consultant examined my donor area and told me I had more than enough hair to cover my receeding hairline. He said I may need more than one procedure because of continued hairloss, but not for lack of density. I shared my concerns with Dr. Pistone a year after my surgery and then he told me that because I have dark brown hair, it's going to appear less dense than a person with blond hair and I would need an additional procedure to have the density I desire. I thought this information would have came in handy a long time ago.


    I recently met with another experienced surgeon who told me that Dr. Pistone's use of staples is an outdated method resulting in a wider scar and that silk sutures are the only means that should be used to close the donor wound. The staples caused a lot of itching for several days following the procedure and to this day, I can still feel the scar with my fingers despite the trichophytic closure.


    Another thing I found strange is all the foreign assistants he had working with him on the day of my procedure. I'm not a racist by any means and perhaps they were just interns. But it's a little unnerving to come in expecting Dr. Pistone and two American women and instead finding a room full of Mexicans or Filipinos with foreign accents. There's no way I can tell who did my procedure with a scenario like that and I should have just walked right out the door before they even started.


    One more thing I would like to mention is that Dr. Pistone likes to put single stray hairs below the hairline in random places because he feels it looks natural. While some people do exhibit this trait, I personally felt it looked odd on me. Be sure to consider this when making your decision.

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