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Posts posted by Israfil

  1. I had a procedure done at Dr Mahadevia...It was BHT(Body Hair Transplant)..I am norwood 7 which means I am totally bald. The hair was taken from Abdomen, Chest , Armpit and also pube...The procedure was long but it was not bad...I did a total of 2000 grafts. From Body to head frontal. It was recently that I read that the dr. who pioneered that first the area for receiving hair must be prepared meaning the holes must be made first as this will allow the blood flow and it will be ready to receive the new transplanted hair... The doctor did exactly thay way as such all the hair follicle surivived I mean most of the hair.However the only one thing I noticed and that was while the doctor was removing the graft from the abdomen he would see the quality of mthe graft and would select based on seeing the graft under magnification. When the doctor was tired I think he gave the job to his technician and he would not select the graft but accepted and passed all the graft to the doctor who was then transplating in the bald are...Just tell this to the doctor...


    The doctor gave me antiseptic solution and a spray bottle... I also bought my own antiseptic solution bottle concentrate and mixed it in bottled water and put it in the apray bottle ...I stayed in my hotel for twoo day and never went out due to dust and other pollutants... I sprayed frewuently in the wash room on the hair till it flowed or dripped... later I just rinsed it with clean water ...The water you uise must be clean, as the water is not too good in India. However I never went out in the sun at all and went for walks only in the evenings and until late night. But during the day I stayed in my hotel room and watched tele. It healed well and I never had any problems... never touch the transplanted area and don't rub towel or anything just rinsed it with antiseptic solution and later just rinse using mug of water and not shower as the shower will have water force... So the post surgical care is very important for the whole months if you want good results.


    I want to post the pictures later as I have no camera at present...Hopefull i will soon...


    Yes Dr Mahadevia is good in his work he has lots of yers of hands on, he has performed many procedures as such he has developed the skill due to long yers of surgery in this field, he is also a Plastic surgeon and that is imprtant for hiartransplant surgeon... Wish you all the best who ever wnats the procedure done///


    I would like to write to Bill and ask him many question .. Please Bill can you write to me

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