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Posts posted by lung817

  1. Hi guys


    Just a quick update, I know a couple of you have requested some photos which I will be happy to upload once I get my laptop back from my parents, this will more than likely be Monday so please bare with me.


    Right as expected I have a few 'lifts' on the sides mainly, I have been washing my hair on a daily basis apart from the first day I got the system as you shouldn't get it wet or sweat within 24hours of having the system fitted, but because I tend to use wax it's nice to wash it every night and as advised leave the conditioner in and comb through gently yet thoroughly. Just waiting for me hair to dry naturally and will fix these lifts although in all honesty no one can actually notice them just me and I could probably go through another couple of weeks with them there but would like to get them sorted for practice purposes mainly.


    I actually plan to maintain the system pretty much myself similar to how Driller described every 2 weeks and take it off completely, re shave my head and wash my scalp and rebond.


    My question is is there any cleaning involved for the underside of the system? And Paul mentioned its well worth keeping the scalp as dry and as clean as possible when rebonding, do any of you guys (Ian/driller) specifically use any type of cleaning lotion to do this process?


    Thanks guys and I will be back Monday with some photos



  2. Hi guys


    I have been following this thread for a few weeks now, just wanted to give you all a little background from my own experience, about 8 weeks ago I decided after using toppik for 10 years and recently last year combining both toppik with dermatch it was time for a change and contacted Phil at TCP, yes he gave me the standard sales pitch and suggested that my closest salon would be Frankie Cochrane. After that 5 weeks passed and finally about 2 weeks ago I decided to give Paul at the salon a call and had a very nice 40 min conversation with him. I explained my reluctance and other companies for hair replacement that I have also approached. I found Paul genuine and very helpful and willing to answer any questions I had. I am starting a new IT job soon and explained it would be nice to start with a full set of hair as opposed to the hassle of using toppik and waking up early in the morning to apply this and the hassle of blackening my shower every evening when I washed my hair. Paul advised he was happy to do a phone consultation however he advised face to face consultations are more appropriate as he would need to take a sample of my hair and match the colour. I then explained that I'm of Chinese origin and it would really just be simply black hair and he was happy for me to send him some photos of my current balding hair and he would order the system which would arrive about a week later without ever having seeing me in person (very big risk on his part as I could have easily decided not to go after all)


    So just this Wednesday I made the trip there and I can tell you 2 days later I am still very estatic with my system. Yes it's still early days yet but I have no complaints so far. I am cap free as I used to wear one for the days I just couldn't be bothered to style my hair with toppik, now it's just 4 mins for me with some wax and off I go.


    I explained to Paul the hairstyle I wanted (this is actually a messy/spikey style worn by the actor David Boreanaz in his Angel Tv Series) and Paul made every effort to get this similar and with great attention to detail as well as actually making the style his own with a few new ideas.


    Simply put there are no other words to describe Paul other than an absolute legend and gent, this man will go above and beyond to make sure you are happy with everything that a hair system offers.


    Anyways I have babbled on enough, if you guys want to see a photo please just ask or if you have any questions please feel free to ask.


    Driller I would really like to PM you as I am new to all of this hair system malarkey and have some questions if possible?

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