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Posts posted by dsm2894

  1. This site has been a great educational resource for me during my hair restoration journey and i appreciated everyones input and help.


    I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I want to thank people for their advice, and also want to wish everyone a great holiday season and New Year. Be safe!!


    Im just purely standing up for future patients




    Really: by insulting almost 70% of the physicians that are recommended on this site? Again, by calling this physician and almost 70% of the physicians on this site unethical - you better have the evidence to back up such a profound statement. I learned a ton about hair transplants by reading this site and about the drs on this site.


    Clearly you have no idea about the practice of medicine. Let me educate you: not every patient follows the textbook on recovery and healing after surgery. And if a patient does not have the expected outcome, it does not mean the physician is unethical, unqualified, or a bad physician. When unexpected outcomes occurs, you hope that your physician helps you through it and does not abandon you. It says a ton that dr gable immediately reached out and spoke to this patient and said that he is committed to his patient. And if you think the greatest and best physicians never have an outcome or result that they were not happy with, then you really are clueless.

  3. Im not trying to upset you dr.




    Wow. And you actually put that your trying not to offend the dr when you just called him and 2/3 of the doctors on this site unethical.


    Who the heck to do you think you are calling dozens of physicians unethical on this site? Its easy to say "I did not name names" and hide behind some avatar and name, but when you insult the integrity of people that have worked their whole lives to become a physician and do their best for their patients - do you expect them just to sit back. Not.


    I am very passionate about this as I know Dr. Gabel for the hard work and commitment that he provided to me. The last word I would call him is unethical. When I come to his office, I am always treated with the utmost respect. And I am so happy with the results and continued commitment that he provides me and his patients, as I have seen him interact with other patients while in the office. And he said in his comments that he is very concerned about the results of this patient, has been in contact with him, and will do what it takes to make it right.


    aaron602: you have lost all credibility on this site with such a stupid, profound statement. Why don't you man up and name the 2/3 of the physicians on this site who are unethical? Lets see if they sit back while you insult them. Why don't you man up and also answer the question about why they are unethical. Again, lets see if they just sit back while you insult them. How do you know (the physicians who you are going name) they are unethical?

  4. I agree with some of the posters above: yes, people get discouraged, or have some issues with their transplants, but lets also acknowledge that people have lives, and in my humble opinion, its not that people are selfish - people get busy and move on. They got what they were promised, and now they continue their lives - hopefully happy with the results.


    I am totally satisfied with the results I got, and I'll contribute as much as I can, but I know something may come up and not allow me the time to come on the forums. These are a great resource for people, and what is great about it is that there is an influx of people telling their stories. And for the really top-notch surgeons and clinics, the message keeps repeating itself. Those clinics with substellar performance, well, they did not receive my attention.

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