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Posts posted by jameslondon

  1. 14 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Everyone is free to discuss this topic here, disagreeing with you doesn’t make them a troll. We can have a civil discussion and disagreements. If you wish to move on I can lock the topic, but otherwise, everyone is free to chime in. 

    They are a troll for sure.  So are you probably.  This site isn’t what it used to be.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
    • Face Palm 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, asterix0 said:

    You posted a topic on a public forum thus I assumed you were looking to discuss this topic publicly. I didn't private message you directly instigating anything. If I choose to disagree with you, that isn't "picking an argument". Picking an argument would be if I resulted to ad hominem, personal attacks against you, which I did not do.


    What is your problem?  Got nothing else to do troll

  3. 10 minutes ago, asterix0 said:

    Ok, I'll make a post I want the government to mail me checks...it's great for me I think it should be done...

    Basically, what makes you think you are special to skip the line vs the other people who have already signed up for a consult?



    Do what you like with posts that’s the whole point of a forum although some people like you use it to pick arguments.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Exactly, this is a ridiculous post. He’s a private business in a free market. Imagine going to a Ferrari dealer and claiming the price is “extortionate” 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

    Why gang up on me?  You’re ridiculous for being so ignorant!  

    • Like 1
  5. I just had an appointment with dr Greg Williams from Farjo. Had to walk out of it after a few minutes, after saying I’d sent info and my records were on file he said he asked me a simple question about my hair history and why don’t I answer.  Got bad vibes and I was on time for the appointment but was kept waiting in an empty room for 25 minutes 

    this is all after trying to manage mick the patient coordinator and his emails, he’s like the worst receptionist at the gp so negative and unhelpful and he actually emailed me before the appointment to say they send all unsuitable hair candidates to dr Williams which set off alarm bells

  6. I was so freaked out reading your account of what you’ve been through, sounds like a nightmare in that everything they could do wrong they did

    both the betrayal by your friend and the “dr” who has behaved totally unprofessionally and egotistically

    I might be seeing dr Williams - do you have any feedback or have you heard of any research on him?  I can’t find anything online apart from his speciality was burns although being connected to farjo should be a good sign 

    best wishes to you



  7. 13 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    I would advise you to stay clear of Thailand.
    I saw Farjo results when I was researching for my first HT in 2008 and back then it was nothing special, today its lagged even further behind the competition.

    Crown work is a really difficult surgery and you need a really great Doctor to design the crown vortex so that means having a surgery in which the Doctor will be in charge of all the implantation (most often it’s techs doing this part of the surgery which for me was a dealbreaker). 
    Take a look at my crown work and see if the vortex design Dr. Pekiner (2.15€/graft) made for me is to your liking. 

    Other Doctors doing the whole surgery I also had on my short list are Dr. Bruno Ferreira (2.5€/graft) and if you don’t need BHT and require a maximum of 2400 graft -  Dr. Keser (3.5€/graft). 

    Thanks for sharing and for advice. I feel that Farjo also go on the conservative side as a policy which seems to assume that density will be maintained, i would prefer the best result possible obviously.  Been to their Manchester clinic and wary of any clinic that has a Harley st office

    I contacted the Thailand physician from here a few times, heard nothing back.  Researched the doctors you mention, they all seem elite and I’d heard of one from my previous research 6 years ago.  Think this is going to take some time to make a decision, really appreciate your help and hope all is well with you

  8. So this is quite a long story but I had one procedure in 2014 and I’m still happy.  The issue is I was on proscar which stopped working so I switched to finasteride and got chest pain/mood swings. So basically I’m off medication for good and from the procedure before a little bit of work was done on the crown centre but there’s patchiness around it. Contacted a physician in Belgium who I found quite rude and told me he wouldn’t consider consulting with someone not on medication. Was off medication about a year ago.

    can anyone recommend a physician who would do a top up in the crown area?  Thinking of farjo or possibly Thailand.  Emailed both over the weekend and not heard anything yet. Thanks guys

  9. you can get argan oil shampoo that has around 15 natural dht blockers in the shampoo, have been using it for a week here and it seems to strengthen the hair too


    might be worth a try?


    there are also shampoos with vitamins, which avoid any gut issues obviously


    i hate to say it but i read somewhere that if you panic about sexual performance it can make something that might have been a one-off situation into something you panic and worry about which then makes the original physical problem worse as you're putting pressure on yourself. i wonder if you can talk to your girlfriend about your anxiety around it, and the medication, and take the pressure off

  10. I noticed recently that Dr Reddy has appeared on the new site and despite emailing their generic info email twice, i've received no reply


    am interested in hearing if anyone has tried their FUE on non-shaved hair and if they have had good/bad experiences. it sounds like their technique isn't as successful as traditional fue


    i just have an area of scalp that i'm troubled by, as i was given generic medication that seemed to stop/not work re:DHT. it's been a year on a different medication (proscar) but not much of an improvement generally, although definitely some improvement. it may be that i need to check on it again in a few months but keeping my options open/exploring


    thanks everyone

  11. Thanks foreverlacey


    No the generics are from a legit UK clinic


    I started off with a prescription and had a strong effect


    Am going to stop taking the generic and go on proscar and hope this will fix it


    Not sure what to do with the remaining generics now or if they've been having any effect recently for me

  12. i've been on the finasteride for 3 years. it seemed to stabilise hair loss but in the last year or so it seems to have stopped working


    has this happened to anyone else? i think i was on a different brand for the first year (private prescription - gp) and then on the dr reddy stuff the last two years


    if anyone could perhaps give any suggestions or their own experiences it would be helpful.


    am thinking that it may also be personal stress due to some difficult times in the last year or so


    really not sure and my current GP won't be any help

  13. I have just come back from a consultation here and I must say it was harrowing, the consultant was not a qualified Dr but quite frankly tbh I new more about the procedure than him, this was in Romford high street and the place from going through the door was dire, poorly decorated and out dated, he stated by putting the scope to my hairline as that's where I wanted the work done, he told me the dark spots where the roots are is 'DHT' news to me tbh and surprising if it is as I've been on propecia 5 years, he suggested 3 session of laser therapy before the transplant, he didn't once bother checking my donor area. I told him I'm not having any transplant before I meet the Dr who carrys out the procedure, he told me the Dr does not do the procedure at that practice its in Brentwood in Essex and I can meet him on Sunday, but I would have to pay ?200 deposit to secure this place, which I refused so much for a FREE CONSULATION, also he asked my what medication I was on and I told him diazepam and he asked me how to spell it! Lol, quite comical, any way I asked he's opinion of what I needed on my hairline he quoted me ?1 a graft and said I would need between 2000-2500 so worse case ?2500 bargain I thought you know what they say about if it's probably too good to be true.... not that I was tempted my mind was more and less made up as soon as I saw the place, I kept looking at he's hair and asked him if he had a transplant he said no and I was thinking it looks quite good for a middle aged Asian man then relised he had a hair piece on I'm 90% sure! Anyway I managed to get a picture of him for you to make your own mind up and avoid at all costs, there website is Hair Growth Centre | Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women in London UK


    the picture on the wall behind him reminds me of dr jack shephard in Lost! lol

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