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Posts posted by JimmyJ

  1. Patricia,


    The only two FDA "approved" products for hair loss are Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). So unless one of the products you're promoting includes one of these ingredients, it hasn't been FDA approved. Also, calling a product that contains a number of ingredients "FDA approved" is misleading since only one of the ingredients has actually been FDA approved, not the entire product.


    But since your primary purpose here is to promote and link to your product, I've removed your posting privileges and your account.




    How come my link was removed? It was a legitimate article on DHT vs prostiglandins... Also, this thread started out with a completely different post before it turned into spam; that was weird.

  2. Agreed... Countries like Sweden have all but banned Propecia... Everyone is waking up the facts they hoped people wouldn't notice; that the side effects are permanent.


    There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even after stopping the drug.[21] In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction. The Agency's updated safety information lists difficulty in obtaining an erection that persists indefinitely, even after the discontinuation of finasteride, as a possible side effect of the drug.[22] The UK's Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) cites reports of erectile dysfunction that persists once use of finasteride has stopped.[23] Similar labeling changes have been made by the Italian government. For a period of time there was a discrepancy between European and North American warning labels regarding the risks of developing persistent sexual side effects from taking Propecia but after two years in April 2011 Merck revised the United States' warning in consumer and medical leaflets to include erectile dysfunction that may persist after stopping finasteride.[24] In April 2012, the FDA chose to approve Merck's proposed labeling from 2011 only after the warning label was further strengthened to include reports of persistent libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, orgasm disorders, and decreased libido.


    Finasteride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  3. I’ve been reading a lot of books and treating my own hair loss lately, and recently learned that DHT is not as responsible for hair loss as we once thought. In fact there is another chemical hormone altogether different, and requiring a totally different treatment approach, from DHT, and that PGD(2) was found in all balding human scalps as having caused follicular damage. I read about it here:


    (Link removed my moderator)


    What do you think about Prostaglandins vs DHT? Apparently prescription inhibitors are on the market, but not in topical form; they are only for asthma treatments, etc.

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