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Posts posted by fallen97

  1. Hair1978, They will not respond to my emails so I will attempt to call again. If I can get a refund, I will look into another doctor to at least work on my scars. I'm not sure which doctor to choose though since apparently I cannot rely on the recommendations made by this site.

  2. Hi Denny,


    The doctor did tell me to not give up on him just yet and to return after the 12 month mark. I am at 9 months now. I'd really like to just buzz my head at this point, but the scars are unsightly and horrendous. I will await until my next appointment in July to see what happens. I wasn't too thrilled about that either. I have a short window of time between starting a new job in mid-July and explained this to the person I was making the appointment. The office is 4 hours away from me and just wanted to schedule for the appointment to have the scars filled in with FUE as indicated by the doctor. I was told though the doctor would want to see me first (which he already has seen the scar). I'd rather go get the procedure done to fill in the scars so that I can heal before starting the new job in which I will not be able to have vacation time for at least a year. In the meantime, I have to live with this awful shoddy work and that doesn't seem to concern this particular office. I'm still unhappy with what I've been told, but again, I'm hoping against hope that this gets resolved. It's getting more difficult by the day for me to cope with this.

  3. And yes, it is psychologically painful. I've been severely depressed as a result. Again, I'm hoping to have my scars concealed with SMP. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I want to have my life back and feel that the decision to go to the Quatela Center has been the worst one I've ever made.

  4. @TomCruise, I decided on this doctor due to the recommendation from this site and the proximity. I live way too far for others and I trusted this site (which I apparently should not have). When I went to the consultation, there were photos presented on a screen that looked far better than the ones on the site (at least to me). I felt confident after the consultation that I was in good hands. I am seeing the doctor this Friday. I will post again afterwards on how that goes and if a refund is provided. Also, I have an appointment directly afterwards with Scalp Aesthetics in Rochester, NY. I'm hoping to at least have my scars camouflaged. I had the strip scars from previous procedures, but now have a very large blob one with no hair growth that prevents me from ever cutting my hair short. It's been a traumatic experience as well as a depressing one. I considered doing the SMP on entire head, but am hesitant of this. I've been through enough failure when it comes to hair restoration. If anyone has any advice concerning the SMP, that would be great. Thanks all for the comments and feedback and yes, please don't rely solely on recommendations from this site.

  5. I should add that what you see that I retained for years in the before pic is all hair from previous Bosley procedures. It would seem that Bosley did a much better job than the approved/suggested place that I went to from this forum. I wish I had stuck with Bosley now.

  6. Disagree. Like I said, my brother (as well as my dad) had the same exact losing pattern and both lost all they would lose before 30. I went through the same exact pattern. The first pic (the before pic) is the hair I've retained for years. So it would be pretty out there to think that I lost all of that within a matter of months when there was no further loss for years.

  7. No, I've been done losing hair due to MPB. I started at 18 and am 36 now. Like my brother, I went through the process before I turned 30. Plus, there is no way I would lose that much within 8 months. I'm very disappointed and not sure what to do at this point.

  8. I have one pic from before my procedure at Quatela Center and here are 3 I just took. As you can see, not only was there no growth, but it looks worse. This is over 8 months post op. Not sure what to do at this point. I've thought about SMP to at least cover my scars. The worst scar is the one that I received during this last procedure. Before they were somewhat thin but still noticeable with a shaved head. Now I have a huge bare space in the back of my head that I can currently cover. I will post a pic of that soon too. Does anyone have any suggestions in regards to SMP? I'm hesitant to go that route, but thought maybe at least to cover the scars and just get a buzz.





  9. I've been heavily considering going there. I'm at the end of my rope due to a recent procedure that failed to produce and I am left with awful scars on the back of my head. I have hair on top that is rather thin (more so than before my procedure actually) and not sure if I should go with the SMP with some length to the hair I have or buzz it. Anyone have pics to post of having this done with some more length to their hair?

  10. Thank you jason5 for the response. I had such high hopes when having the procedure done only to see that I am now off worse than I had been. It's caused a lot of mental anguish and stress and I do hope it is easily refunded since there has been zero results. I think at this point my only option is to undergo SMP to mask the scars on the back of my head.

  11. awidowspeak, I stated that I was worried about being ripped off. I never made an accusation of such. I know literacy isn't everyone's strong point, but please read what is posted before making asinine comments. I posted the thread to see if anyone else had any experience of growth following that time span. It was more to see if I should indeed be concerned or it I could still maintain hope for results. I will be more than happy to post pics once I have access to doing so, but take into consideration that even pics do not prove anything. Someone could easily post two pics from the same day and claim that they are before and after pics. The Quatela Center has my before pics and they will see me in April to verify for themselves that there was no growth (unless by some crazy chance growth takes place in the next few weeks which is highly unlikely). I do appreciate those who commented with something helpful to say though. I'm glad to see that most on here use it for the purpose it is intended.. a forum by and for hair loss patients and not a juvenile playground.

  12. I have seen absolutely nothing. No growth at all. I have made an appointment in April. I was hoping to hear of some stories from others who have experienced growth following 8 months, but now I am even more concerned. This has been quite the ordeal for I had expected by now to see some sign of new hair growth. Thank you for all who responded as well as the message from Dr. Quatela. I will try to remain hopeful and I will update following my appointment.

  13. I received a hair transplant back in July of 2013. It is almost 8 months now and I've seen zero new growth. If anything, my hair looks much thinner. Should this be of concern? Has anyone had hair begin to grow past this point? I spent over $7,000 at the Quatela Center in Rochester, NY. I am very worried that I was ripped off. Thank you for any information that can be provided.

  14. I went to Dr. Quatela last July (of 2013) to receive what was about my 5th procedure. I went to Bosley previously and decided to go to Quatela in Rochester, NY based on a recommendation on this site. First of all, I regret the day I first decided to get a transplant. That was the worst decision of my life. I wish I had simply shaved my head, but now I can't do that due to the awful appearing scars. Anyway, I was told within 6 months I'd start to see hair growth. It's now almost been 8 months and I haven't seen a single new hair grow. I am very concerned for I took out a loan to pay for this procedure. It was money I wouldn't have minded spending if the promises by the surgeon had been kept. I am at a loss at this point on how to proceed. I cannot bring myself to receive any more surgeries filled with claims that simply can't come to fruition. I now see too many horror stories on the net about the same experiences which makes me wonder if anyone has ever had a positive experience and the ones who claim they do may not be true. I am very displeased with the lack of results and the expense of Dr. Quatela.

  15. Here is 1 pic before using Fibond and 2 pics after using Fibond. The texture of Fibond is superior to other concealers I've used. I really like this for the crown area and top of my head. As for the hairline, it could just be my new experience with it, but it did not seem to be as good for the front hairline. Maybe after some use with it, I may get down a better technique (I will post again after some further use with it. Even with Nanogen it took a few applications to get it down). I have found that using Fibond on the top area and Nanogen on the front hairline is a great combination. Thanks again to Fibond for sending me a sample. I definitely recommend this product over many of the others I've tried such as Prothick, Toppic, etc. Fibond and Nanogen seem to be the top of the line.



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