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Posts posted by retroyz

  1. I came across this forum because I am currently considering getting a second HT. The post seemed the most pertinent to my experience. There seems to be plenty of other posts immediately after surgery but they mean nothing because it takes 6 months to a year to really see what the results are.


    I had a HT at Tulsa Hair Transplant Center back in 2006. I was considering going back there but after reading somes posts I realize that many of my concerns have merit.


    I went there and got "1000 grafts" but there is no way I got over 400. I don't care what anybody says, where there is a blood spot is where you recieved a transplant. You will bleed where they poke a hole. I was concerned about the apparent density after my surgery and when my hair grew in months later my suspicions were confirmed. Hairs only grew where there were spots and there were definitely not 1000. When I called them to question it they said they did 1000 grafts. I said it looks pretty thin and they said to get the desired results I would need another HT. This was never mentions up to this point.


    I too thought it was odd that how little Dr. Frayser was involved. I got the impression that he was only hired to meet the minimum legal obligation to fill subsciptions and cut out the donor area. I had the classic U shape and Nurse Betty did one side and the assistant did the other side. Apparently they were not on the same page because one side appeared to have half the density of the other, as confirmed when it grew in.


    I got the feeling that they count on your compromised state of consiousness so that you don't question their methods too much. They want to get you out the door and on the plane. After I checked in I found out that they do at least two surgeries a day. It was apparent that they were rushed so they could get in the afternoon patient.


    I wasn't sure if I had recieved a quality HT because, let's face it, I could not compare it any other transplants I had done on my own head. My results after grow in? Mediocre, I never felt comfortable combing my hair back as my hairline never looked natural enough. For these last seven years I have had to wear bangs.


    Visiting their website, it appears they have a new doctor now, but I get the impression that the business practices are the same. Speaking of the website, I noticed that it is nearly exactly the same as it was seven years ago, and it wasn't very good back then. It has the same two or three examples.


    I also noticed on this thread and previous threads how obvious it is when someone representing the clinic replies. So go ahead.


    Bottom line for Tulsa Hair Transplant Clinic: You get what you pay for -- minus a few hundred grafts.

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