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Posts posted by futguy

  1. Today is Day 9 post-surgery. I've posted two other posts then, constantly worrying about the growth. Although in the back of my head I think everything is okay, I just need the assurance from the folks on here. :)


    Earlier this afternoon, I decided to wash my hair as I would be returning to work tomorrow, and that it seems safe at this point. I put a pea sized amount of shampoo on my fingertip, and worked a 1cm x 1cm area of my head. Slowly, I worked my entire front scalp with a pea sized dab each time. I used a circular motion with my finger tip. Sometimes, I used a rolling motion with my entire finger hoping it would break the scalps, but never a pulling motion. In my hands, I'd find a few hairs, but no bleeding though. At first, I used a cup full of water and poured it on my crown and let it pour down the front of my face. I did this several more times, and each time, noticed hair in the wash. I'm hoping this was just dead hair from other areas, or shock loss hair (is it too early?) and not grafts coming out. Soon after, I put the shower head in the softest setting and hit my crown, and let the water drip to the front areas again. This was the first shower since the surgery, and the third time or so washing it.


    I looked at myself in the mirror, and the density does look less than before. This could be due to the scabs washing out, but who knows, it could be because of possible graft loss. The transplanted hair itself feels hard and not soft as the rest of my hair. Anyways, guess I needed a soapbox and some assurance from you guys!


    Thanks again.



  2. Hi all:


    I'm at Day 7.5, but I noticed it since Day 6. I'm worried that I scratched off my graft (which I know scratching is a big no-no). I don't know if it was scratching or from the first cleaning since the surgery at Day 6 (mixed warm water and shampoo and used a que-tip in a dabbing action). The optimist is saying that I didn't ruin the grafts because there's no blood drawn and if it were a scratch, it would be a linear type scab. Is it common to have a scratch, without a scab? The area does feel slightly intended, but that could also be a false sense of perception, plus with raised scabs around it, it might just be normal skin level.


    I've attached pics for better opinions. One is from my left temple, the other is from my right temple.


    Thanks again!




    P.S. What do I do about the scabs? I don't like the look of it, but I guess there's nothing I can do? Just leave them there and hope they fall out?



  3. futguy,


    I had my FUT procedure Feb 2 with one of the coalition doctors. The doctor's office gave me graftcyte shampoo to keep the grafts moist for the first week. I also rub the shampoo on the donor area for faster healing. I gently pat the recipient area dry after I spray the shampoo mixture on then I gently rub the donor area horizontally with antibiotic gel as well. I would not rub the donor area too hard because it may stretch the scar. Don't use shower pressure on your head till after 7 days post-op. For as the vitamins I take 5mg biotin & propecia to help stabilize hair loss. Like you said the main thing is not to disturb the grafts within the first week & wear a loose wave cap or durag if possible.


    Did your doctor give you some kind of shampoo mixture & antibiotic gel to help aid in healing?


    Thanks for the quick reply! The doctor gave me tablet meds (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and pain killer), but didn't give me any spray or gel. I was thinking of picking up something just to mist my scalp with water just to keep it moist.


    Would it be bad if I did NOTHING or minimal until day 7 as far as cleaning the transplanted area?


    Thanks again!

  4. Hello all!


    I just had my FUT strip surgery this past Friday, so its day 5 post-op, and I had a few questions. I don't want to release the name of the surgeon yet until I have all the documentation done, so please bare with me. The HT doctor's english was so-so, and its a lot easier to describe to you guys and get several responses then waiting a response (especially since they are in a different time zone). With that being said, I have a few questions that maybe you could field for me.


    Hair washing:

    I have yet to wash the transplanted area at all and its day 5. I'm scared that I would ruin the grafts. As you could imagine, its full of dry skin and small scabs. I planned on washing it on day 8 or 9 since by then the grafts would be fully anchored into the scalp. Are there any disadvantages of waiting? Should I spray water in the mean time to keep it moisturized? I wear a surgeon cap provided by the doc and check every morning for loose grafts and luckily, I have yet to find one! What about finding a Vitamin E spray? Would that be harmful or hurt?


    Scab cleaning:

    I had the tricophytic closure method performed. My primary physician took a look at it, and he said the sutures look good, and to not touch it. On the other hand, the HT doctor said to make sure I scrub the sutures hard to get rid of the scabs to prevent scarring. Which one should I do? Someone has been helping me clean the scabs and even after rough scrubbing (as tolerable as possible), the scabs are still there. I'm scared the sutures would rip open (as it felt today) and cause more damage than good. Furthermore, the HT doctor used absorbable thread, and from reading other threads, it should completely dissolve in 2-3 weeks. Being a good 1/4 of the way there, I'm sure the thread is already weak, and I'd rather not rip it apart.


    Thanks again!



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