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Posts posted by HairlessHero

  1. I recently had a FUE for about 3000 grafts. I started experiencing severe pain in the donor area around 5th day post op. I had my procedure done in India, and I contacted the doc and he advised me to take pain killlers (ibuprofen or tylenol) for a couple of days and take B-Complex supplements everyday. I did this but the pain is not going away. I contact him on 10th day post op, and he said this could be neuropathic pain and could occur to a person one in some thousands due to body sensitivity. I am not sure if it was my body type or due to improper procedure by doctor. This pain comes in everyday sometime in the afternoon and also at the night time.


    He wants to prescribe a neurophathic pain medication, and he said this pain could last upto 3 months max, but might be there only about 6 weeks in most reported cases. Could anyone who had this kind of neurophathic pain comment on how long did they have this pain, and what medication/precautions they took to minimize or eliminate the problem. Thanks a lot.

  2. I too experience the oily skin. After the shower, my hair looks full of volume (even though I have average density), but after a few hours, the oil kicks in and makes the hair look very less in count and specially balding areas shine, worsening the situation further. I used several over the counter shampoos, and none worked fine over a period of time. I am too looking for a solution for this. May be some doctors watching this website/forums can suggest us treatment options. Thanks.

  3. I have a friend who is 45, an he has been taking generic Fin for about 5 months, and in the first couple of months, he had some shedding, and now his crown looks better and I see a lot of regrowing or strengthing hair. I think whatever he recently ( in the past 6-9 months) lost is coming back, not the ones he lost a couple of years back though. Hope this helps.

  4. LessHairy, as Blake pointed you, yes you can have those patches filled in (either with FUE or FUT), but that may not be a good idea as your hair loss may not have stabilized. What if you lost more hair after patching, and that may not look good (as you may have islands formed). Consult your doctor to see if you can start on Finesteride to halt hairloss, and once stabilized, then you may want to get procedure, or doing both. So, talk to recommended HT doctors for advice and next steps. Good luck.

  5. Ano1986, sorry to know about your situation. But, there are some topical DHT inhibitors (look under Get Your Treatment area on this website) that you may want to consider in lieu of Finesteride. Also, some supplements like Saw Palmetto, Biotin, Zinc, etc. are showing good results for some people. Research on these topicals/suppliments and talk to your doctor to check if any other those are suitable/good for you. Good luck, bro.

  6. Dr. Bhatti,

    In post #10, you mentioned that the you performed second session after 3 months later. What I understand from various posts/HT experts, that there should be a minimum of 9-12 months gap between two separate sessions in order for donor area and recipient areas to stabilize and recover. So, performing another procedure after 3 months, is that not risky and does that not disturb the results of earlier session? Could you please throw some light on what is medically correct and feasible without risking recovery. Thanks.



    The first was performed over 2 consecutive days (total 15 hours) for 2800 scalp and 1000 chest and beard hair. In the second session 3 months later, another 1200 scalp hair were transplanted to complete the procedure.

  7. Dr. Bhatti,

    In post #10, you mentioned that the you performed second session after 3 months later. What I understand from various posts/HT experts, that there should be a minimum of 9-12 months gap between two separate sessions in order for donor area and recipient areas to stabilize and recover. So, performing another procedure after 3 months, is that not risky and does that not disturb the results of earlier session? Could you please throw some light on what is medically correct and feasible without risking recovery. Thanks.



    The first was performed over 2 consecutive days (total 15 hours) for 2800 scalp and 1000 chest and beard hair. In the second session 3 months later, another 1200 scalp hair were transplanted to complete the procedure.

  8. Thanks for sharing your experience, Bill. I recently re-started using generic Finasteride (FINAX) about 3 months back, and I saw my hair getting thicker about 2 months after regular use. That gives me more hope and confidence that in the coming months, I may see some more improvement (atleast I may not lose any more native hairs!!). I do not have any side effects.

  9. Thanks for the responses so far.

    ismith, I some some cases on this forum that some people started experiencing side effiects but after some regular use, they reported that the side effects subsided. But, the experience may be different for each person. You doctor is the best person to consult with.

    Antony, I thought one would start experiencing side effects in the first few weeks/months of using Finesteride, and I saw people discontinuing the use. But I did not cases where the side effects kicked off after 4 years. Sorry to know about this. I see there are some DHT blockers, and you may find those beneficial. Thanks.

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