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Blog Entries posted by JMJneedshelp

  1. JMJneedshelp
    Can someone please help me.

    I have been loosing my hair for the last 7-10 years around zone 1 including the temple area and on the crown. It appears to have slowed considerably however has left me as an individual with a lack of confidence and wanting desperately to do something about it.

    I use to be a fun and confident lad, my hair was an expression of myself, funky, crazy and full of life. Since loosing my hair my personality changed and I become shy and paranoid with low self confidence. Its hard to imagine how much your hair means to you until you suffer loss. Some deal with it differently to others.

    Ive been to a number of surgeries in London to ask for their opinion and the results have been somewhat contradictory from one surgeon and clinic to another. Depending on which clinic you visit and the proceedure you go for, costs vary between 6-9000 euros. In Turkey i have research apparent good surgeons who offer FUE for 2500 euros including accommodation and aftercare. I have heard across Eurpe prices are alot cheaper and that in London you pay for the location. Its a high premium.

    My concern is that i do not know anyone personally that has had an operation and therefore can not ascertain views and opinions of those who can really give me first hand knowledge based on personal experience. Surgeons seem to offer treatment without ethical or moral consideration for my best interests. Its financially driven or to suit their processes as oppose to my interests.

    I really do want someone to be able to help me through this minefield. I know there are professionals out there who can advise and HT patients that have had successes and failures and it seems the failures are as a lack of research into the surgeons.

    Which proceedure do i need? How many grafts? How many hairs? Is the difference going to be highly visible to me and others? Will i achieve what i want? I ask these questions because information received to date has been so varied. I look at pictures on the inetrnet of pre and post operations using FUE and i cant understand why pictures are taken in different lights, at differnt lengths, different angles etc. This leads me to believe the pictures taken are manipulated, not by photoshop or similar, but by using different angles and hair lengths and comb overs to make you feel there is more coverage and better results than actually achieved. I am therefore not filled with confidence.

    Please help me. JJ
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