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Posts posted by tiredofhats92

  1. Yesterday I went to Dr Vogels office and the funniest thing happen . His receptionist Kelly ( wonderful lady very smart very caring she has that mothering quality that you just love! ) took me to the back to prepare me to see the doc, I told her I was nervous and how I found about him on this forum she said " you were the one that made that post about being to young for a hair transplant " lol it was so funny totally unexpected but I think its great how they are apart of the forum lol


    Unfortunately I didn't have enough donor hair and in a battle with mother nature that Dr vogel didn't want any parts of for very good reason ..but there's light at the end of the tunnel. I was prescribed propecia. Ms Kelly had an amazing power point presentation on how propecia is effective I seen the before and after they are amazing . So ill be on those until October when I go back hopefully I will have enough hair to get a Transplant lol


    Overall the consultation was nice and very informative

  2. Be thankful that was their first response and not "Oh sure we'll do whatever you want!!" 21 is very young and the problem is that if they operate and your hair-loss progresses even more aggressively, as it so often does in young patients, you might end up looking like a freak with an island of hair in the middle of your head. Go see what they have to say, I think that the initial reaction to be reluctant on their part is a very good thing.


    I totally agree on her response when I told her my age , its almost like a 12 year old calling to get a boob job lol but my case is very unique I have the head of a 60 year old

  3. First of all Im 21 I am an adult. I called Dr Vogels office I gave them a little info and the lady said Im too young !! She said it could be problematic in the future if I got it at this age, I would totally agree if my hairloss was just starting but my hairloss started when I was 15! I tried everything alot of stuff worked but you know the story, as soon as you stop the hair is gone and im so tired of that. Its not just thin its freaking bald. I offered to send pics but she said they would take pics at office. Im pretty sure they will change their mind once they see my head they will change their mind. Do you agree? what are your thoughts

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