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Posts posted by crux

  1. Hi All,


    It has been 5 months since my HT with Dr. Radha. Hairs are growing well though they are not that much dense. However, I am very happy with my HT results as it has brought significant changes in my looks and I do not look bald anymore..:D. I have uploaded my recent pics to my Journal:


    Hair Restoration Journal for crux - Five months post op pics


    From the top view pic it seems that hair density is very less as the pic is taken directly under tube light but in actual they do not seem to be that much scarce.


    Kindly go through my pics and provide your valuable comments of the progress till now.


    Many new hairs are still growing and I hope overall result would be good.


    I am not on any medication but I am thinking of starting them for my existing thinning hairs. Please share your views on starting medication.


    Seeing my results, I am also thinking of second HT procedure after 5-6 months for crown portion.

    Kindly advise how much gap should be there between two HT procedures.



  2. Well

    to summarize quickly :


    Scar has a normal size. (not too large or too long...)

    Redness is normal. It will disappear month after month. Redness will last approximately 6 months. On the transplanted area, it will fade faster but do not hope that it will take less than 3 months.


    Hairs will grow on your scar... and it will hide it.... but not now !!!


    DO NOT WORRY ! you look great and everything is perfectly NORMAL.


    I'm seven months post op. (with dr radha). And i went through all your feelings. I was like you. Now i'm fine because i know the things you describe are just normal.


    Good luck


    Wainting is the hardest part !



    Thanks mate. Your words really provide some relief. Ya, waiting is indeed the hardest part. Lets hope all the things will go smooth.:)

  3. Hi All,


    Its been 1.5 months after my HT. Most of the transplanted hairs have fallen. Today I clicked pics of the scar at donor area to see how it is healing. I can see that it is still red and it seems that I may have a larger scar than a normal size.:mad:


    Kindly share your views on size of scar and its healing till now. I hope it'll reduce with time.








  4. Hi All,


    I have had HT with Dr. Radha on 25th march,2013. It was a quite bold decision for me to go for HT as it'll affect my originality. Since, It was depressing to have such hair loss at the age of 25 only, I decided to go for it.

    This forum helped me a lot to choose Dr. Radha as my doctor and I have a belief that I have made right choice.


    Dr. told me that a total of 3310 grafts were implanted and I don't remember the exact number of grafts with 1,2 and 3 hairs. Below are the rough details of the same:


    1 hair - around 1450

    2 hair - remaining

    3 hair - 47


    Many grafts were having only single hair also grafts were 3 hairs were 47 only:(

    Doctor told me that my hairs were thick but less dense and she were expecting more grafts.

    She was expecting 3600-3800 grafts out of 800 would have been planted at crown and rest of them to the front but since I got less grafts than expectd she planted all the grafts to the front and it was a mutual decision to give more density to front.


    While cutting the strip, doctor told that my donor site were having hairs in criss-cross fashion and that is why it took more time to cut the strip and applying the sutures.

    Below is my hair restoration site:

    Hair Restoration Journal for crux - One week after HT

    I have asked Dr Radha to provide my post op pics and she has confirmed that she'll mail them. In the meantime I have taken some post op pics and I would request experts to go through my post op pictures and comment on the quality of HT done by Dr. Radha.

    I'll update my progress regularly through this thread.

    Right now I am a bit worried whether I will get expected results or not but I hope all things will go in right way only.

    One more thing that concerns me is the bulby appearance of the implanted grafts at the base. Is it something I should worry about or is it normal?


    Any advice or comments are appreciated.



  5. As a fellow NW5a, and resident "know it all" here is my thought, and I wish this was suggested to me my fist HT


    1. First HT, go for maximum grafts


    1, Be careful on how you construct your hair line. You will have future loss, and you want to try avoid the thin see through hair.


    *** If I could do it over again, I would have skip the straight across hairline that Rahal performed, and followed a widows peek, ie. Jude Law, or what you naturally have right now. That way I could have dense packing in a small area up front, and let it get thin on the way back, and then attack the crown.


    Take a look at my pics, and just don't do that. The head is a big area to cover, and anything you can do to have a more focused area will give you better results.



    Hi Nativeremdies,


    Thanks for your suggestions.


    I'll surely go for maximum number of grafts that I can get for my first HT.


    And I'll surely avoid the straight across hairline so that I can get good density in small front area.



  6. I had a look at your photos.


    Your sides look a bit thin which makes me think you may not have many grafts in the bank, and you also have an agressive hairloss pattern.


    Have you tried finasteride and minoxidil to reverse/stop your loss?


    I don't think with 3000 grafts you should move the hairline much. Just concentrate on beefing up the middle section.


    I don't know much about the Dr but in all my time on here I've not heard anything negative.



    Hi Matt,


    Thanks for your reply and suggestions.


    Yes, I do have an agressive hairloss pattern but since last three months I am applying an medicine(liquid) on my scalp given by a relative of mine.

    I am very happy with its results. After using that my hairfall has reduced a lot and I feel that my existing hairs are growing well. However that smells very bad..:(


    I have tried finasteride and minoxidil around 4-5 years back for only 6 months but I did not get any positive results from them . That is why I stopped using them.

    Shall I start taking both medicines now?


    Right now I am not expecting to get a really low hairline with my HT. I am just desiring to get decent looks. I believe that if I can get my hairline half inch down from the front and 3/4 inch from the sides, I'll look good as naturally I have a very large forehead.

    What do you think, can I achieve above results with 3000-3500 grafts? Am I expecting too much? I'll try to get as much grafts as possible for my first HT though.



  7. Hi All,


    I am browsing this site from a while and as per the recommendations by the expert members here, I have finally decided to undergo a hair transplantation procedure by Dr. Radha Rani during March end, 2013.


    Below is the link for my blog:

    Hair Restoration Site for crux


    I have updated my pre op pics and I'll upload them regularly so that it can be helpful to other new members also. I would like to listen valuable advice from expert community members and to guide me for my first HT.


    I want to know whether I have made correct decision to go for HT and Have I chosen correct doctor ?

    How many grafts would be sufficient to improve my overall looks? Dr. Radha is expecting 3000-3500 grafts to cover the bald area. I am not expecting any miracles but I am hoping for some decent looks.


    Should I go for maximum number of grafts that can be transplanted or should I restrict them to a limit as my hair fall is still progressing and in future I might go for another HT procedure. What would be the best advice in a long run. I don't want a bad HT or bad scar that might damage my current looks.


    Also, I would like to know the current condition of my donor and recipient area and their future prospects.


    I request to all the expert community members to advise me in order to achieve the best outcomes.



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