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Posts posted by newbie123

  1. Hi Bill


    Many thanks! I promise not to go spamming... (unless its going to grow hair back!! Err.. dont worry.. I wont be testing the theory on that! :D






    By default, private messaging is disabled for new members until a moderator has a chance to review each account. This is to prevent spammers from mass mailing all of our members, which used to happen all the time. Now that I've confirmed your account, private messaging has been enabled.


    Sorry for any inconvenience.


    Best wishes,



  2. Hi


    For some reason I cant private message you.. but Im really interested to know how much they charged you for the 1500 FUE??


    any chance you can PM me.. or tell us on here?


    Many thanks



    I am 3 and a half weeks post op from a 1500 graft HT at the Harley Street Hair Clinic - I have just got my pictures back with my face blurred however I do not wish to post them on here as I believe they would be visible by people who know me and would recognize me from them.


    So, if anybody is interested in seeing these pictures and talking to me about the procedure then simply send me a private message and I will talk to you more that way.


    Basically, I wanted to prove that the UK can produce good HT's - Dr Nadeem Uddin Khan from Harley Street has even spoken to Spex about my case and I will be e-mailing Spex with a view to hopefully meeting him in person in the new year to show him my results.


    In this thread though I am happy to answer any questions, pictures though will only be shown through a private message request.



  3. Guys (and Gals)


    Ive been speaking to a UK clinic about having FUE. Before I went for a consultation I asked them:


    - What is the price per follicle transferred?


    and seperately


    - How much would it cost for 1000 transfered follicle's?


    The answer I got both times was the same... 2 pounds per follicle, but you need to see us for a consultation... so I went for a consultation!


    The doctor in question said I would need between 1000 to 1200 follicle's for what I wanted to do, giving me around 2500 to 3000 hairs as the end result.


    As I understand, multiple hairs may grow from 1 follicle (Please correct me if Im wrong with this?)


    So, In my head, doing the maths... that would be:


    2 pounds x 1000 follicle's = 2,000 pounds

    2 pounds x 1200 follicle's = 2,400 pounds


    for the work (assumedly with a bit of extra cost for medication etc). So I was expecting tops something about the 3,000 pound mark.


    So... blow me... the cost I got for the work (and no there are NO complication with the work.. Im told its very very straight forward with me).... was 6,500 pounds.


    Now.. that doesnt even exactly work out to 2 pounds x 3000 (hairs rather than follicle's) = 6,000 pounds and so the cost they have given me works out about 5.40p per follicle. :/


    So Im looking at, what I think is a 4,000 pounds descrepency here... yes I am going to go back and check it.


    However, I was wondering, from peoples expericence and price quotes,


    - does this sound "right" for the UK on a per follicle basis?

    - And/Or Does anyone know if places are charging per hair, rather than per follicle?

    - Anyone else any experiences of "London" prices for 1000 to 1200 follicle's where theyve had work performed in the last year?


    Basically.. am I nuts to go back to them and say "how does this price match up, when Ive been told about 2 pounds".


    Any answers or thoughts much appreciated!

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