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Posts posted by brout

  1. Hey guys !


    First of all sorry for my english.


    I started loosing hair at my early sixteen's (thinning temples). Today, i'm 21 years old and i'm norwood 2 (i guess, tell me if i'm wrong). My MPB wasn't that aggressive until this year (I had serious emotional problems, I guess it didn't help..)


    I have never used any medication to fight hairloss (just natural things like pumpkin oil seeds, curcumin.. I guess it halted my MPB just a little bit but nothing amazing).


    MPB is still progressing unfortunatelly. Maybe one day we will have a procedure to get a full regrowth but untill then i want to keep my hair as it is now as long as possible.


    So, i'm planning to start finasteride. But i have read some horror stories and I'm hesitating yet a bit.


    I have a geat density every where on my head (except on my temples of course). I know there is no chance to get regrowth on temples with fin but I just want to keep my hair as it is for a long time and halt my MPB as much as it's possible.


    So my question is:


    Can Fin preserve my hair as it is for let say at least 5 or 6 years ? Or it can kill my temples even worse ? (I've read stories about guys who experienced that I'm afraid of that but I know that every person respond differently to this medicine.)


    Thanks for replying










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