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Posts posted by terrorfirmer

  1. For me, it's very cheap. I think it costs me about 20 euro posted for 250 caps, and it is the proper 85% standardized stuff. I'd read alot about it, but decided that before I try propecia, I'd give it a go. I've read of people taking 160g a day, but I figured in for a penny, in for a pound, and I take 1,000mg a day or thereabouts. Zero sides of any kinds. Just don't think 160g of SP is really going to make any difference at all. So, I used 250 caps in this way, and to be honest, no, I didn't find it made any difference - or so I thought. I didn't buy more after it ran out, and I most definitely noticed a dis-improvement in terms of hairloss at the front over the following month or two - was loosing hair faster. Now, the thing is, no-one can say for sure it was the SP, and it could be could coincidence, natural progression of hairloss. But it sure is interesting.

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