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Posts posted by gambit

  1. 23 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


    How old are you? Do you have a lot of hair loss? Going FUT first makes sense if you will need a lot of grafts in the future.

    I’m 40 and am a Norwood 2 I think. My hairline has receded though since I was 26 and most of the doctors quoted between 1500-1800 grafts.  One quoted 2000 grafts.  That would be to fill in the temples and lower my hairline slightly.  My crown is totally fine. 

    I am being cautious though because my dad has some pretty major hair loss once he hit his 50s, although no one else in my family (uncles, brother and both granddads) have severe hair loss.  Both grandfathers had healthy hair even when they were elderly and my (fraternal) twin brother has no recession at all.  

  2. Thanks for all of the doctor recommends; they all seem like great choices and I have recently been in touch with Dr. Bloxham and Dorin, as well as a few other recommended doctors in the US.  I really like Dorin's hairlines and temple work. 

    Only recently did I come across some posts and articles saying that there was a difference between Asian and Caucausian patients, so I wanted to make sure that no complications arise from differences in physiology.  Also I was planning on an FUT but am now considering FUE as well if I would need to grow my hair out longer than a #3 razor to hide the scar.  I do notice that I can see a lot of my scalp from certain angles, even in the areas that have a lot of hair.

  3. Hi,

    I’m a 40 year old Asian man in the NY area who is ready to take the plunge on a hair transplant to fill in my temple hair region and strengthen my hairline.  I’ve read that there are differences between Asian and Caucasian patients:  thicker but fewer hair follicles per square cm that potentially effects FUE donor patchiness, a slightly higher chance of keloid scarring, and hair that grows outwards instead of downwards that makes the FUT linear scar more visible.   I’m looking for a surgeon who is experienced in Asian hair transplants to minimize these risks. Hasson & Wong and Nakatsuki both have had very good results with Asian patients.   They also have very natural hairline designs. The only thing is Canada is still not open to US travel and probably won’t be for another year.  

    Are there any doctors in the US with a lot of experience with Asian Hair transplants?  Looking at their websites, many have good results, but no actual photos or examples of Asian patients.  Also, is FUE or FUT more recommended, given the chance of scarring?   I would hate to have a giant FUT keloid scar but a ton of small FUE keloid scars would also be really bad. 

    Thanks for your help and any advise is much appreciated! 

  4. Technically, I think your doctor did a very good job and it was well executed.  So most patients would be happy with her work but hairlines can be subjective.  I think this just shows how important it is to get the hairline design drawn beforehand so you can review and think about it before committing to the surgery.  Hopefully most doctors can draw a recommended hairline online before the patient has to fly over to do it in person right before the surgery. 

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