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Posts posted by Chewie

  1. I have been using Biotin supplementation and, from my own experience, would recommend it to anyone to try before anything else. Other people may not have the same success, as all individuals will respond to different things (whether it be medicine, excercises, etc) differently, but from reading many studies on Biotin all indications seem to say that there are no side effects from the high dosages that I take, so it was worth a shot.


    My hair started falling out heavily at 15, probably due to stress. It was always fine-textured, don't know if that makes any difference to hair loss, but from my late teens through my mid-forties it basically stayed the same. A few years ago I saw that I was really starting to lose more and just wanted to salvage what was left.


    In France, the prescribed amount of Biotin to take for hair loss is 15mg, and it has been for decades. I started taking 7500mcg tablets twice a day made by Sundown Naturals (once morning and again in the evening) and actually regrew hair in areas where it was obviously becoming patchy (crown area). It was a dramatic improvement, actually, and confirmed by others after a few months of using this dosage. From what I have read, in France it is used during thinning hair, not completely bald. I have no idea whether it would restore any follicles after total loss.


    I have experimented with 10,000mcg tablets by Natrol three times a day (again, many European studies indicate no adverse reactions to such a high dosage, even at 100mg/day) but there was no difference over 7500mcg/x2 daily.


    I am planning on trying 5000mcg/x3 daily spread out every eight hours to see if that will make any sort of a difference, the thought being that since Biotin is water-soluble and the body eliminates what it ultimately doesn't need/use, having more in my system over a longer amount of time MAY improve the overall scalp (I'd like to see a bit more in the front).


    If anyone is interested in what I find I'd be happy to report the results (probably a year from now).

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