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Posts posted by WherefromHere

  1. Thanks everyone for all the input and different thoughts. I continue to go through the up and downs still of thinking I know the best route to go.. But it's hard to say. As much as I would like to do another procedure and have my life back looking natural, the very fine/thin hair caliber that I am experiencing scares me to hold off and gain as much input as possible before jumping further into a puddle that I'm not sure I'd be able to get out of. If I do continue, I do feel Shapiro or Rahal would be my choices.

    I know as I've stated before most would just add more since process was done once before, but its becoming harder to imagine a great, full, or satisfying result in the end with the type of caliber of hair that seems to becoming more evident which is very thin and doesn't style well. Prayer hopefully can lead me down the road that will make me most pleased with the look and lifestyle I want to enjoy, instead of the constant worry daily as how my hair will look

  2. Hairz,

    That is my point. I'm sure they didn't use one hair grafts in some places since its obvious they didn't even though the doctor stated only one hair grafts should be used along hairline.

    And I agree with most posters here... Such problems can be avoided with the right Doctors. I did visit Dr Rahal and he recommends, along as other doctors, on removing the old scar and improving everything with additional grafts. That is something I was very close to jumping into since it sounds very ideal.

    My point is yes I have a scar, but I have noticed that my donor hair has become quite thin as well as the texture of my hair all over. No doctors I have visited have measured my hair in back other than a visual look, and have all looked at me during ideal conditions. Hair dry and flat... Looks like I have a full head of hair.

    The thing is I wonder is it worth extra transplants aside from the donor scar. The donor scar can always be revised if needed or want to shave down later. But I am wondering if doing additional work would have the skin/additional scaring of recipient area to make it harder to shave down later if warranted or the satisfaction of a full look is not able to be done in the end. I can see how thin my hair is already that I am not quite sure how much coverage would be realistic. Most doctors have recommended just doing another 800 -1200 grafts up front to fix what is there now, but I can see the rest of my hair is thinning and going quite fast where I'll be right back in for additional work. The other thing is I am trying to get off meds due to side effects. It's a tough call to make by any stretch. Accept hairloss and nature and enjoy life otherwise or keep playing the gamble that one can stay ahead of it.

  3. I will add this.. Not sure why this differs but out of a shower my transplanted hair is undetectable in comparison to my native hair. But when I sweat, or when the hair is fully dry the 'roots' of the transplanted hairs become more noticeable. That is what concerns me the most.. Is that typical of transplanted hairs...?

  4. Hey Hairz,

    I believe there are 3 pics already posted. Like I said, I've visited all of the top docs or spoken with all the top ones in the country and they all say my previous work wasn't all that bad and it makes some people uncertain if would want to take me on as a client due to how I complain about my previous procedure. I have been told that yes my previous procedure isn't the best but its not bad and sometimes things won't be perfect since its man made work and not native.


    I don't know where you stand with your hairloss and I do believe if you go to a top doc for your first time you can be satisfied. As for myself, my hairloss is not stabilized and my hair quality is very fine/thin. And as I've stated I'm very active and sweat all the time. Doctors all tell me they can definitely improve my look and fix me up, but I'm not looking to just improve. I want to know will I have a full natural result in the end... Or if all my native hair falls out on top am I going to be stuck with a very see through gappy appearance that looks like 'wire' all over my head when sweating. And my donor hair seems quite more thin as well. The only way I will do additional procedures at this point is if I can fill in my areas and buzz my head down and look natural in that form. Otherwise I rather just forget about the depression of hairloss and shave it all and get back into things I truly enjoy doing again since like many I don't participate in water activities, get caught in the rain, or those types of things cause I'm too preoccupied with my hair.... Which is ridiculous

  5. Thanks for the responses... however, I think people are misreading the full understanding of the original post. My question is, despite the donor scar... as in regardless of it.

    When medications (propecia) cause side effects, and yet the hair is still becoming quite thin and see through all over despite its use, then one must weigh the benefit/risk ratio or quality of life ratio.


    With that, yes a HT has been previously done... looked fine blended with native hair prior and still looks ok with hair dry and or not styled... but when sweating and or styling with gels/creams, or after use of minoxidil... all the transplanted hair looks quite "wire" like and thin. that is not a good look, and the rest of the hair is very thin and see through..more so when sweating.


    I am a very active individual.. the scar shows already through wet hair despite length of hair. Only doing more transplants makes me wonder if instead of just having the frontal hairline looking thin and "wire" like when sweating, that all transplanted hair would look like that across entire scalp if I was to do additional procedures.


    It seems my hair quality just isn't quite suitable for a full natural result based on my characteristics.. I would like to just wear my hair buzzed or very short..which I can not do at this time since the grafts up front would look out of place due to previous procedure (improper angles, larger grafts in some places, and gappy from less density). Not sure if additional procedures could allow that to be more natural and allow for the buzz cut, or if it is better to just forget transplants all together and laser out all the transplanted hair, buzz down and get on with life.


    I know the consensus is that one can NEVER shave or buzz down after a donor scar.. but I for one can tell you that I much rather do that than have a crappy looking result all over my head chasing something that may not be quite realistic only to have more and more scars on the back of my head.


    Thoughts are still welcome.

  6. Hey, thanks for the responses. I understand what you are saying, but those are all points I am already aware of and know about. In other words, I know the process about doing more procedures and removing the old scar to make a better one while also making the previous work better and more natural looking. Bad part is when I had the procedure, my hair was coarser and thicker, even in donor area. My work now still doesn't look the worst and the doctor was aware of the process of using singles along the hairline and having any larger grafts be further back... Since he explained that process to me before doing the procedure. However, still there are larger grafts along the hairline anyways and it doesn't look as natural as it should. Other top HT docs I've visited have even said yes it's not a bad job but could be made better.. Which is promising to hear. Only bad thing is the rest of my hair is going quickly all over the rest of my scalp which was not obvious during the time frame of first procedure... Which means I can see now that my hair thickness/diameter will not really achieve a great end result without being completely see through. And my hair is getting this way despite finasteride, while dealing with the side effects on top of it.

    My intention was never to ever shave my head.. That's why I got a HT in the first place since I liked that idea of staying ahead of the loss before it shows or becomes worse. Sounded like a good plan but nature seems to win the battle at times. I never intended to shave my head but it is becoming apparent nature is winning the battle despite the preventative measures.


    As for the 10,000 grand that is not price in regards to corrective work by adding another HT.. 800-1200 grafts would cost more around 3000 or so. That is removing old scar to make it better and add to hairline to make it more natural. The 10k was if it was to extract all grafts or as many grafts from hairline for HT reversal and back into scar in back.


    I agree with you on all viewpoints and I know what you speak about... What I am referring to is that there are many individuals who have had successful HT's and multiple ones at that to in the end not have the coverage in the end they are happy with despite the best techniques.. And then bigger scars from ear to ear etc who prefer now to just be natural and let it all go. I'm aware of that scenario... Just don't want to be in that position.

  7. Posted once before but I wanted to see if anyone was able to relate or had to make the same tough decision. And see if Doctors also would ever agree that its not worth trying to go for more, but to cut the losses and do what can best be done to look natural from here on out..



    I ask because is it ever ethical to tell someone that yes, a HT should really never have been done in the first place without knowing what pattern of hairloss one may be experiencing and with the quality of hair one has now, that it would be best not to do more and only try and correct what was once done?


    Or is it only recommended to no matter what, since there is a scar etc, or you already started the process... to just add more and do HT after HT as time goes on knowing that the quality of hair will never be able to give a great overall result?


    I know there are some who have been in or are in my position, had either a non satisfactory result and don't enjoy having a scar on their head, or made their decision at too early of a time and only now see that their pattern of loss or quality of hair will not achieve a satisfactory result in the end.


    It seems that the notion is to always go for more or camouflage or add and add etc, and that you can NEVER shave down since there is a scar, but yes we all know there is a scar but just cause there is a scar is it worth adding more hair on top for an unsatisfactory end result just because of insecurity of the scar? There are good things being done for scar revisions these days so I just thought I'd ask why its always pushed to do more, when sometimes it may be best to do less?

  8. I've never buzzed before and with position I'm in now with the unnatural grafts at front can't buzz till removed or lasered. I do feel painted into a corner but I either have to accept what God has set for me or keep trying to endlessly chase and keep myself fighting loss while still having side effects from drugs etc. This is a very tough and basically disheartening situation. But it is what it is..

  9. Spiral,

    my hair is wet... after a workout. So yeah it shows through, and when dry when my hair is cut short it shows through. With the way my hair is now, when dry and after a shower, i look like I have a full head of hair, because I do have a full head of hair... but that is with the help of the 800 grafts up front. I'll admit, I was told I probably wouldn't need another procedure for life and despite the fact I knew hairloss was progressive the sound of that sounded good. But I did get told I could be as greedy as I want with my own hair and add as much hair as I'd like, but of course that is also unrealistic. I'll admit I thought my hair looked ok despite the grafts being a little different from the native hair, but the native hair blended in better at the time. I have visited many top doctors, and they all state another procedure of 800 grafts can be done at this time to soften the look and look way more natural and camouflage it all. But with this experience, and the texture/quality of my hair...I know that I would be locked into transplants for life. And if at my age when I sweat etc, or get wet and see my scar through the hair now, I can only imagine all the scars I will have when this is all done with and chasing hairloss my whole life. Hell, the side effects of the hairloss drugs kill me and quality of life just isn't great since I'm not worried about anything other than my hair. I don't think I want that for life, doesn't sound like a great life to look forward to at all! All the girls I even meet now don't get my attention cause they are attracted to me, but I feel I am a fraud and or I will have to keep up this charade. I really wish I waited or I had the best information at hand... I think HT's can work great for those who already were mostly bald. Otherwise, you will constantly worry about further hairloss and the transplant becoming noticeable. I am somewhat fortunate to be in a position that I can shave my head after removing these grafts through laser or such, and the scar I have is just on the right back side of my head..and not ear to ear. That life just sounds so much better since the constant anxiety and worry will no longer be there..and I can just be free. Of course I worry how I look with no hair... but its still me and I won't have anything to hide. I think I will be going that route... laser removal and some graft extraction of the bigger/pitted hairs.

  10. You definitely hit the nail on the head. I come up with a reason for not doing each but I'm trying hardest to move forward instead of waiting and standing still. Do I want more hair, obviously I do. I rather not be losing my hair in the first place. Issue is however that my hairloss is not stable and not patterned and quality is quite thin.. Do I want another HT by all means if I knew the results would be well worth it and I would have enough hair to reach an aesthetic and natural result. When I reach out for advice I am looking for individuals who have gone what particular route to reverse the process and may talk of experience who may have been in same position. You are correct that each route causes anxiety that comes with it, and I want to choose a direct route that reverses the process with least evasiveness but also least downtown or revealing of a procedure if even possible. I have seen pictures online of people removing whole hairline but pictures can't really tell a whole story and that is why I still hesitate since I am curious to healing and results from such a procedure. Everything you mentioned I already know, but I am here to gain insight from those who been down a certain path with what outcome. Not just recommendations from those who haven't. I have come to terms with the fact that no more transplants for me until possibly later in life where I know where my hairloss may even go. There is a risk either route you take, and graft extraction is most favorable since its quite quick but I am curious of the skin condition after such a procedure by someone who has actually gone through with it. Only reason why I'm standing still is to be as informative as possible that could lead to the most natural result and be free from the worry of constant hairloss. As in has someone done electrolysis, done laser hair removal, or actually done the extraction with a fairly good result. Thanks for the input and this is to build knowledge by experience.

  11. Let me add Dr Bernstein was the only doctor who was honest enough to state more restoration would be unreasonable without knowing the pattern of my hairloss and the texture of the hair. Basically he stated all I thought in my own head.. Which was what confused me with other offices cause I tried to keep asking those questions as in will me adding now only suit me short term than long term. Then it got to point of being asked.. Do you want to book procedure or not. Makes it hard to know if best for me is in mind other than yes able to give me a more natural look up front, but for how long till the rest of the hair goes and how fast?

  12. I agree with that and yes I am even talking to a professional about that as well. But I believe anyone who feels trapped, and people who choose to enhance their appearance with a natural look, but fail to achieve that feel like a fraud and even worse for possibly disfiguring themselves. That's how I feel at least. As far as Shapiro, Rahal, Bernstein etc. I believe most doctors will do exactly what you ask them to do without really offerings much advice beyond that. I visited each office and most have recommended the same thing, can take out the larger grafts that I don't like but add another 800 grafts to camouflage. Yes that would lead to a more natural appearance in front and add density and softer appearance. Sounds great, but I am not looking any longer for just short term. The rest of my hair is truly getting very thin, even in donor area. At first I was looking to just add and stay ahead of it when visiting their offices, but the more I come to terms with it, I can tell that can lead me down a dangerous road. So I feel that most doctors since they didn't get me in this position in first place, will only offer enhancing with more. But when I reach back out about helping me get back to normal without adding, I don't get much help in that regard. Dr Umar did state through email to come in and add fue into donor hair and he can look at hairline, but stated that is quite a hard process and can lead to worse issues due to scaring. Again makes me feel quite trapped. I have been told to just laser the hairline and seems easy enough, but if there is scaring beneath, then it's there when could have been removed with extracted grafts. This whole process is confusing and disheartening. And a position I said I never wanted to be in prior to the procedure, but yes it is my fault for believing the original doctor and not doing extensive research at that time for being ashamed of even thinking I needed to go down this road the first time.

  13. Thank you, as you can tell I have probably done extensive research on repair and corrections. Sadly I have even thought about just doing SMP just to cover up anything, but I don't think that is the best route to take and can lead to another whole array of troubles. I did see Dr Umar before and have reached out, but I can be positive I refuse to place any non scalp hair on my head for even transplanted scalp hair seems to have a wire like texture to it. And body hair just does not look natural. Any recommendations you can make that can give me on removing these grafts for most seamless appearance would be appreciated.

  14. I have and originally thought about just doing further procedures etc, but the problem with that is that I will only cause more scaring in back and never achieve a fully natural or great end result due to how thin my hair is getting and the unpredictable pattern of loss. On top of that, despite the hairloss drugs etc, my hair is still going and I don't want to do a lifetime of procedures that only lead to less than undetectable results. My hair in back is already becoming see through especially when I sweat. I feel that I fell for this hook, line, and sinker despite my fear of the unknown. I was told that I can be as greedy as I want and add as much hair as I want from the beginning. I keep getting told even by other top doctors that its not bad work but yes is detectable. Which makes me wonder ok, does that mean with further work it will still be detectable etc? I want to just be done with this process for the psychological ramifications and impact it has had is just disheartening. I still have native hair that camouflages somewhat but my native hair basically feels like its not even there. Even though I hate having to face that I am not blessed with great genetics in the hair department, I much rather just be natural and have a shaved head opposed to offending grafts. I don't know what to do and even top IHRS doctors don't offer much advice or offer to help make me back to normal best as possible. I really would like to know the best step to have a natural look back and get on with my life. I am obviously not a suitable candidate for future restoration based on hair quality, and just the impact this has had emotionally. Some doctors I have seen remove full hairlines and such, but also to add more grafts with more restoration. I want these grafts just gone without adding to hairline.. But I don't know with how thin my hair is that would extracting them just cause unwanted scaring in a horseshoe pattern along skin of hairline? Or leave red marks all along the skin that would take forever to go away? Or just do laser which I fear you have to shave down anyways and kill all native hair along with it which in the meantime the hair is still growing would reveal to the world I have grafts up front. In the big picture, who cares I had a transplant. But in the world of anyone who has had one and such, they don't want to expose themselves in that light till they are comfortable with the result. So I can definitely use some help on this from anyone who has had to do the same.

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  15. Thanks for the input guys.. well I can't quite tell how many would exactly have to be removed, put they are very thin and some others are 2/3 hair grafts up front. Buzzing or shaving them as they are now would definitely reveal grafts or implants due to the color contrast to native hair. I was trying to determine if its best to extract most of the offending grafts from hairline to be placed back into donor scar, but overall the donor scar won't bother me too much. It literally goes from the right back of my scalp to over my right ear. The color contrast from my skin is my skin is fair but the roots of the hair look like black specs embedded into skin.. and some thicker than others due to the 2/3 hairs. I look hard at my hairline and can't tell if there is really any underlying scaring or pitting, but in certain lighting it looks like there is discoloration or more reflective tissue. Otherwise looks fairly normal. But I do know I would like these grafts gone and get on with my life and buzz or shave down...just trying to figure out what is best option and trying to do so without revealing to the world transplant while trying to fix it. For I heard even if gone the laser route, have to shave down the area being lasered. Which will again reveal unnatural hairline/grafts. I will try to post a pic on here if I can... possibly to the profile?

  16. I posted only once previously and I have come to terms with the notion that instead of continuing with further restoration, I rather retract and shave it. Reason for doing so is I had one procedure done already 3 years ago..and the results and density is just not natural or up to par and the rest of the hair is thinning and fading fast despite use of propecia etc. On top of that..major sides from the meds since I've been on them since age of 20.


    I am now 34 and want to just reverse the process best way possible. I have met in person with many top docs who want me to just remain on the meds and camouflage but I feel that is just not an option at this time for I have no idea as to how progressive my hair will become and my hair is so fine/thin that I doubt I'd really get a great natural looking result. With that, the hair in the front hairline was 800 grafts used.. very fine and some look natural..others look thicker and others show the roots in the skin. I want them gone. But now there is question as to best way to remove them? I have been told by two doctors... extract all grafts or as much as possible and replace back into donor scar... (but will that cause more scaring up front and just cause a whole other array of self consciousness?) Also, the whopping 10,000 to pay to go along with that.

    The other option I was told was no need to extract any since out of bad transplants (1-10 ranking, with 10 being the worst) I was informed mine was a 1. So just laser remove all the grafted hairs and address any scaring if any at that time, since its easier to do and less evasive and less risk. However, that then means possible native hair being lost and those hairs can't be used to put back into donor. Instead would have to FUE from elsewhere into donor, and cause more scaring back there.

    I am gonna get rid of these grafts one way or another, and shave my head down to a 0 guard or bic it. I'm done with the anxiety and worry especially with the drugs. Time to just live. But out of those options...any experience or recommendations? Anyone had hairline removed without adding and the skin looks perfectly fine? Or anyone had to use laser hair removal instead? Thanks for the help..

  17. Thanks for the responses..and as much as I hated hearing your abrupt yet honest responses they were appreciated Scar. I have spoken with a couple of Doctors...one stating that it is not likely or needed to remove all grafts for most don't look harmful but to extract all the pluggy ones and redistribute them along hairline, and add 400 fue to soften the whole hairline but not to be going for density. Also to do 400 fue into the scar line. Another doctor stated can remove all unnatural grafts and plan for a flawless look up front, and put all grafts back into donor scar. That sounds promising. I of course want more hair, just not sure as to when is actually the right time since I have no idea where my hairloss is headed and would like the option of buzzing or shaving my head down till I know for certain what to expect. I have been told my scaring up front may be only a little bit noticeable at this time if at all. Now I am wondering best step forward?

  18. I do have a strip scar...not bad from what I've been told but its noticeable if I cut the hair short. As of right now I have plenty of hair to camouflage the hairline overall but the lack of density to hairline and the bad grafts just upset me. Most doctors have stated that they can cut out my old scar making it that much smaller and better, and using another 800 grafts since that's all I would need to camouflage everything else and have a better density and natural hairline. That sounds like an amazing plan..and some top notch doctors, but the only issue I have with doing that now or hesitation is that I am being told to stop meds since it has caused hormone imbalances and sides. So I'm afraid if I do that route with the other 800 grafts, that without meds all the hair that is probably holding on by a thread due to meds will just disappear and fast and leave me right back into a worse position than I am now. Complexity... I almost rather just be done till I know I can have a full result I can trust to keep and remain looking natural no matter how much more hair I lose. Thanks Rod

  19. Thanks Rod.. Yes I do mean to extract the unnatural grafts or laser etc to where I feel I could buzz my head and still look natural. If I could do that without removing all the grafts, or just removing the pitted grafts or by camouflaging around them and then buzzing I would be perfectly happy with either route to take. Just I get mixed responses from being able to do so...some say yes, some say no and it leads me to that frustration of making another mistake.

  20. Thanks but honestly I have tried all the recommendations he tried to help me with. I have been doing the Big 3 now basically since February and before that I have been on Propecia/Minoxidil overall since age of 20. That is what scares me about another procedure at this time is the loss and density lack is accelerating and no idea if doing a procedure now will just put me right back to doing another and another fairly quickly without being able to keep up and look natural. I blame myself for being naive and for being in the position I am in, but I feel my anxiety is also more of I know where my loss is headed, showing more of an unnatural look...but taking care of it now can just lead to future problems if ever not reaching my goal. I rather just reverse it now almost or do smp just to never have to worry about this process any longer. I truly rather a full head of hair, but how realistic is that want and desire with my hair characteristics is what I'm coming to terms with. I really think a reversal is the smartest thing at this time but I want to know how to make the recipient area fairly unnoticeable if noticeable at all, since the donor scar I am not as worried about.

  21. Hi everyone, I could use some help since I'm absolutely at my witt's end emotionally and psychologically. Give it, most people wouldn't understand my frustrations since to the lay person's eye, I have a full head of hair. However, my density is majorly thinning all throughout despite no miniaturization really and further recession. I look like I'm a Norwood 1.5/2 but very thin all the way throughout and maybe only thankful to a previous procedure I had done 2 and a half years ago. That is where the turmoil starts.


    I went to Bosley! I only wish I knew of this site before. I am 34 now and no pattern of hairloss in that there is no pattern to it. More of overall thinning and less density and crappy quality to the hair as I go. But now the previous work I had done, which overall did not look too bad or in any way look like a complete wreck as the olden days, is now starting to present itself more as further hair loss and thinning continues.


    Grafts are not angled properly since you can see the "root" of the hair as the hair comes out of the scalp in some areas, other grafts are too large in the hairline (2/3's), and some look as though they are pushing into the skin as opposed to coming out of the skin seamlessly. This wreaks havic on my self esteem for I want nothing more than to look natural!


    I have come so close to just shaving my head and being done with the anxiety and worry of hairloss.. I have gone so far as visiting all the top Docs or speaking to them for consults... Los Angeles, Minnesota, Canada, NY, MD, etc. Problem is with this, you get many different view points..but most have recommended the same thing. 800 grafts to camouflage the previous work. This sounds GREAT in theory, but with my overall anxiety now, I feel doing just that will lock me into transplants for life for its not just my hairline but my entire head of hair that is thinning that is bothering me and I feel I will just forever be chasing...chasing...chasing.. and not satisfied. I want to just shave it and be free for now and reverse the process best I can.


    Issue is I am now having anxiety with possible scars beneath recipient area? Is it possible to reverse the procedure best I can and just shave down till its time to get a megasession in which everything is precise and consistent? Flows smoothly into one another? I am really wanting to undo any unnatural look to my scalp before ever thinking of another transplant since the first one seems to have caused lack of trust and agony. I'll admit, many people say I am overthinking it and my hair doesn't look bad, but I need to be happy with what I see in the mirror. Anything unnatural is not acceptable..I rather just accept the loss over that. Now I know I have plenty of options still and plenty of hair, but I am fearful that I'll never truly be happy with the results due to the very fine, thin, and lack of quality I see with my hair and future hairloss. I think I rather just shave it and clean up the recipient area best I can till I am certain my loss is stable and have better idea that I am not hurting myself more, but truly enhancing my appearance. Please offer your suggestions...thanks





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