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Blog Entries posted by Dakota

  1. Dakota
    I am not one of lifes great bloggers but I woild like to share my experiences over the next few months of FUT surgery in order to give encouragment to anyone considering this treatment option.

    After many years of gradual hairloss and now being in my 50s it was time for some renovation work to the top of my head

    I have been using Finesteride 1mg daily orally and topical minoxidil for about 8 years but there has been further hairloss during that time - though probably slower than had I not been taking medication.

    So after a consultation last July in London with Dr Nilofer Farjo I have just had the surgery carried out on 11 th January 2013 with Dr Bessam Farjo in Manchester.

    The hotel room was very good the night before - I arrived at about 11 pm and found the clinic the following morning with no problem.

    The clinic staff and Dr Farjo were very expert and professional throughout. I arrived at the clinic at 7 am . I felt no pain or discomfort during the 12 hour session and received about 3270 grafts.These have been placed mainly to reconstruct the crown area and follow through to the left side along my parting which had become very thin over the years. I eventually left the clinic at 7.30 pm. I had received individual and professional attention from a very expert team throughout the day and actually had felt very relaxed.

    I was able to travel home to south of London that night by train and then a half hour drive from the station to my home - got back at about midnight. Contrary to many people's blogged experience I had no difficulty sleeping that night and was in no discomfort at all the following morning. There is no swelling and the donor area is virtually undetectable . I am delighted with the degree of coverage that seems to have been achieved to the crown area.

    I will be returning for review and staple removal next Monday to their London Harley Street consulting rooms.

    So far the experience has greatly exceeded my expectations. It is now the 4th day after surgery and I have had no pain ,swelling or discomfort at all. The grafted area is only slightly scabbed and is not really all that noticeable through my existing hair

    I am a self employed specialist in oral surgery/ dental implantology and felt happy to go in to my clinic today for a few hours work. None of my nursing staff seem to have noticed anything different . I will be back at my clinic for a full day of work tomorrow and will let them know what I have had done.

    I would have preferred the idea of sutures to close the donor area but the 50 or so staples are actually not uncomfortable or visible under my hair.

    I was very nervous about washing my hair after the first 24 hours but followed the instructions given using a face cloth to cover the recipient area and using the special low foaming shampoo in a warm shower. There was no pain or bleeding and no - none of the delicate grafts came out.

    Hair restoration surgery may be difficult to resource - obviously it is not a cheap treatment option. However it does compare very favourably with other elective aesthetic procedures- I would draw a comparison with dental implant treatment as an example where the costs can be similar.

    I believe that the treatment that I have recieved under the care of both Dr Farjos and their team has been expert ,meticulous and caring. It certainly represents very good value considering the large well trained team , premises and time taken -in excess of 12 hours treatment.
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