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Posts posted by Jazzsnazz1

  1. Well i listened to you guys and i'm back as a 31 year old and think i'm finally ready to pull the trigger and get a transplant, i first came to these forums when i was about 22 and a Norwood 1, hopped on fin, have been on it ever since...i wasn't as consistent as i should of been with my medication early on which is probably why i'm a Norwood 2-3 now but you live and you learn...Everyone on this forum told me to wait until i was 30, including Dr. Lindsey who I had a consultation with years ago.  I plan to consult with him again in the following weeks and ultimately have decided to have him do the transplant but i'm just trying to get an estimate on cost, so if i want my temples filled in back to a Norwood 1 (nothing crazy, i still prefer a mature hairline), FUE, how many grafts would i be looking at?


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  2. I was just curious if any of you know that this has been done because I presume it is entirely possible? I have not come about it in any of my research, in fact it seems much more sensible than dense packing due to the limited number of follicles that have the possibility of being damaged since they completely remain in place. But if you have minor loss in the temple region and you want natural density do any doctors remove a strip, then remove the piece of skin of the now recessed and hairless temples where the loss occurred and then transplant the strip intact. Obviously the angles would be manicured to fit the hairline to give the desired affect? If there is a scar line, FUE is an option. I know many of you would advise against this due to the fact you can’t anticipate the baldness pattern in the future, but I’m just curious if this has been done? All it really is, is a skin graft.

  3. thanks for your input, like i said earlier i've been on fin for a little over 2 years but my doctor wants to take me off proscar because he said i'm too young and there's no visable signs that i'm losing hair on my crown, plus he advised that long term use on young people has not been greatly studied, should i take his advice or find another doctor who will continue writing me proscar perscriptions? it took me awhile to find a doctor or will wirte proscar i think i've been rejected by 3 of them who said they would only perscribe propecia which obviously is much more expensive?

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