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Posts posted by jaketallard

  1. Has anyone had work done by Dr. Bauman for FUE with the Neograft? I have been considering getting some work done and his work on FUE seems good. Anyone have pics of his FUE work?


    About me:

    I have been researching HT procedures for a long time now and I finally think I'm ready to have one done. I refuse to do FUT. I keep my hair very short and don't want the scar. About 15 months back I met with Dr. Bernstein but I didn't feel comfortable there. His work was terrific (it was the first time I saw truly undetectable grafts) but he wouldn't do FUE except in very small numbers. So, I decided just to wait and see. Since then I have read a lot about people getting 1000 - 2000 grafts with FUE using tools like the Neograft. Dr. Bauman in Fl seems to embrace it the most, and he's got some videos out there showing how it works. It's not cheap, but without a scar the risk seems minimal - if no hair grows I should at least look the same...not scarred. I spoke with Dr. B recently and he was very comfortable and knowledgeable. However, consults are meant to sell people, so I am looking for some referrals.


    My concern is that a few people really slammed him on this forum. The pics of his "botched" work don't seem that bad, and they are all FUT. Is he really a "butcher" or are these results anomalies? I assume all doctors have some bad results from their procedures. If they are IAHRS members I assume they are solid doctors, no? I do hear good things about Dr. Feller too, but I don't think he'll do 1500+ grafts with FUE. Thoughts anyone?

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