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Posts posted by pavanyuva01

  1. You can contact me at go4buck [at] yahooooooooooo


    Thanks,have added u in the yahoo messenger. could u plz accept my pending request. and could u please let me know your full email id. like yahoo.com or .in.


    Before going to HT ,do we need to do any hair shave or hair cut?

    How many days did u stayed in vzg? i mean should we stay there itself until she remove the stitches at the back.


    Generally in how many months,can we expect the hair in the transplanted area?



  2. Hi Guys,


    My age is 25. Im suffering from baldness on the top major part. Im from hyderabad. I want to go for hair transplantation


    in hyd, i found only dr.madhu, ashok. And i had seen some bad reviews for ashok.


    Please let me know, who is the best doctor in hyderabad. Please share ur views from ur experiences . Im very much in need




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