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Posts posted by irish

  1. kambojnav,


    Thanks for your reply. I don't know if it's that simple...? I've read where sometimes the scar area doesn't take to the new implants.


    Can you recommend a physician in the Indiana or surrounding states that I could contact? Would you know what the cost would be? I guess that second question would depend on the size of my scar.;)



  2. Hi All,


    I'm a new member to the Hair Restoration Network and this topic is exactly what I'm most interested in. I've looked into the tattooing procedure to conceal my HT scar, too. I'm concerned, as well, with the possibility of the scar being concealed if I wish to grow my hair out longer than say a #2 buzz. The results look great on all of the pictures I've seen, but I do have concerns like many of you. One of them is as we get older and grayer, the ink stays the same color, then what?


    I've not been back to any physician since my last HT in 2006. As I've stated in my profile, both doctors have since passed away. I'm really distraught on what my next step should be and with whom. My HT didn't turn out like I envisioned. I've had 4 of them with a total of around 6500 transplants by way of the strip method. I am on the Norwood chart a 5 or 5A. I tell myself that I'm done with HT and keep hoping something magical will come out of the industry to help all of us.


    At this point, I would settle for what I have (which isn't great by any stretch), but with a buzz cut, I don't think I would care. I just want to conceal my scar, but want to make the best choice like all of us in this situation. So, I'll be watching this site and will hope to find out what others know. If I hear or see anything, I'll be posting it, too.


    Thanks everyone and Happy New Year!

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